熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Portobello South Ame

Portobello South Ame

Portobello is a South American inspired restaurant located in Hong Kong. Established in 2015, from the Uruguayan-born owner Marcos Facchin, chef de cuisine Fernando Nunez and hospitality veterans, the restaurant draws inspiration from the varying cuisines of the Hispanic countries of South America, including Argentina and Brazil, as well as influences from Mediterranean, European and Asian flavors.

With a spacious interior, the restaurant has been designed to bring the feel and atmosphere of South America to Hong Kong. The walls feature warm colors and textures, with unique decorations from South America, providing a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Their menu features traditional dishes from South America, as well as modern interpretations of Latin American favorites. Among their specialties are mouth-watering appetizers, such as ceviche and empanadas, bursting with bold and zesty flavors. Main courses range from a variety of grilled dishes and seafood, including Patagonian king crab and slow cooked-ribs, to vegetarian options including a flavorful quinoa stew. To complete the meal, they offer a variety of Latin American inspired desserts such as churros and tres leches.

Portobello is dedicated to bringing the tastes, flavors, and festivities of South America to Hong Kong. With the passion and culinary expertise of the talented team, Portobello strives to create an experience that will take its guests on a flavor journey of the region. With its delicious food, friendly hospitality and an ever-changing menu to keep your taste buds tantalized, Portobello offers an unforgettable experience that promises to satisfy.
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✉  香港大圍 (行車路線)


☎ 2866 6178  (立即播打)  馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

Portobello South Ame是一間位於香港的南美餐廳,提供拉丁美洲美食。

條例一:Portobello South Ame提供各種拉丁美洲美食,包括阿根廷越南烤肉、墨西哥班尼迪克豆、波多黎各,烤香肠和拉丁美洲燉煮牛肉等,以及配以特色拉丁美洲汁料;

條例二:除了拉丁美洲美食以外,Portobello South Ame還提供各種拉丁美洲酒款,包括墨西哥白葡萄酒、玻利維亞黑莓酒和巴西啤酒等;

條例三:Portobello South Ame的特色餐廳裝潢,可以讓顧客感受到拉丁美洲的歡樂氛圍,音樂也是以拉丁美洲風格為主;

條例四:除了餐飲以外,Portobello South Ame還提供了一系列的拉丁美洲文化活動,包括拉丁美洲舞蹈、音樂表演、室內娛樂和一些其他活動等。


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1.「Portobello South Ame是一間受歡迎的餐廳,有美味的食物、豐富的菜單,以及高品質的服務。我們點的每一道菜都很好吃,而且價格都很公道。」- 不知道的人的評論

2.「Portobello South Ame擁有一個室內典雅的環境,沒有太多的裝飾,但吃到的食物都是現做的,味道也很不錯。服務人員也都很友善,對客人有禮貌地對待。」- 不知道的人的評論

3.「Portobello South Ame擁有豐富的南美料理,價格公道,水準不錯。餐廳的環境也很舒適,服務人員也很有耐心,友善地回答我們的問題。」- 不知道的人的評論











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