熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Clay Oven Indian Res

Clay Oven Indian Res


Clay Oven Indian Restaurant is a premier Indian restaurant located in the heart of the entertainment district of Hong Kong. It is an exquisitely designed restaurant that adds to the charm of the area. The food served by Clay Oven is traditional and authentic Indian cuisine that caters to all tastes. The Clay Oven team focuses on the delivery of authentic culinary mastery by fusing traditional recipes with modern enhancements. The restaurant also provides a wide variety of vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options.

The restaurant prides itself in its prepared food. The Clay Oven team is always striving to use fresh ingredients and quality spices to ensure customers receive the best tasting Indian cuisine. The restaurant also focuses on utilizing traditional cooking methods, such as baking in a clay oven, to preserve the original taste of the ingredients. The restaurant is also well known for its incredible kebabs and tandoori dishes.

Another impressive aspect of the restaurant is the decor. Every piece of the interior, from the walls to the furniture, is carefully chosen to give the restaurant an authentic, yet modern Indian vibe. The atmosphere is inviting and the friendly staff is always willing to give diners a warm welcome.

The Clay Oven Indian Restaurant provides an opportunity for both locals and tourists to experience traditional Indian cuisine in a truly unique setting. With a focus on quality ingredients and an atmosphere that allows for relaxation and enjoyment, the Clay Oven team is dedicated to delivering exceptional food and services. The restaurant is an excellent representation of traditional Indian culture and is the perfect place to grab a bite with friends and family.
**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***


✉  27-31 Catchick Street, Kam Hing Building, Aberdeen, 香港 (行車路線)


☎ 2872 6900  (立即播打)  馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

Clay Oven Indian Res在香港著名,擁有多年歷史,特色包括:
    一、Clay Oven Indian Res提供品質上乘的印度料理,其食材都是當地新鮮食材,尤其以烤爐餐飲聞名,像鹹魚沙律、烤鵝肉及土製無骨雞等,外觀鮮艷,口感更是別有一番風味;
    二、Clay Oven Indian Res以傳統方式烹調,保留印度的傳統烹飪技藝;
    三、在Clay Oven Indian Res,食客可於印度氣氛中品嚐傳統及獨特的口味,而師傅更會親自上菜,給你最正統的印度料理體驗。


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1. "香港Clay Oven Indian Restaurant的菜色根據你的口味而定,有濃湯、新鮮的材料和香料,以及可說是極為特別廚藝 : 以鹽和煥為主的烤餅、羊肉串、海鮮、蔬菜、彩蔬、印度咖哩和更多,以及特色菜色如北印度哩拉、特色藥膳等。服務很貼心,但由於設施不是最先進的,可能會稍嫌不舒服,但這不影響我對食物的樂觀之情。"

2. "我第一次去香港Clay Oven Indian Restaurant,我就嚐到了很多不同的印度菜。食物美味可口,而且比我在一些其他地方吃過的印度菜要更鮮美新鮮,還有令人驚訝的口味。服務人員親切友善,為客人提供一流的服務,非常值得推薦。"

The Clay Oven




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