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Shi Mei Hainanese Ch

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Shi Mei Hainanese Chicken Rice is an iconic dish in Singapore. It has been around for more than half a century, popularly known for its succulent and tender chicken, boiled in a flavorful broth and served over fragrant rice. Founded by Mr. Shi Mei in 1950, the eatery has become famous throughout the island and beyond. It is a must-visit destination for both locals and tourists.

At Shi Mei Hainanese Chicken Rice, diners can expect a variety of poultry dishes, ranging from the classic Hainanese Chicken Rice to roasted beef and pork. Each dish is accompanied with fragrant pandan-flavored rice, fresh vegetables, and a selection of sauces to suit individual palates. The signature dish of Hainanese Chicken Rice is presented with a generous portion of succulent chicken, boiled in a flavorful broth. It is then served over perfectly steamed pandan-flavored rice and served with warm soup, chili sauce, and a variety of condiments.

In addition to its delicious fare, Shi Mei Hainanese Chicken Rice is known for its friendly and attentive staff. It is also renowned for its commitment to using the freshest ingredients and maintaining the highest standards of hygiene.

Shi Mei Hainanese Chicken Rice has become a beloved eatery in Singapore, offering an excellent experience to customers every time. It has become an integral part of the local dining scene, and its value lies in its delicious flavor, friendly service, and excellent hygiene. Additionally, it is known for its reasonable prices, making it an excellent value for money.
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✉  371 Bukit Batok Street 31 Singapore 650371 Bukit Batok Street 31, Sing (行車路線)




**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

新加坡Shi Mei Hainanese Chicken的特色食物包括: 




四、黃金餛飩飯。黃金餛飩飯是Shi Mei Hainanese Chicken最出名的特色,以蒜香,番茄醬,香蔥及蔬菜為主。它以用來製作餛飩的肉質和醬汁為一般餛飩的四倍,令人流連忘返!


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

許多顧客在Yelp上給了Shi Mei Hainanese Chicken Rice大量正面評論,評價絕大多數都是4顆星以上。他們標榜的是保持傳統新加坡海南雞飯,口碑非常好,顧客都很滿意,說每一口都很香甜,雞肉也肥美,配料也整剛剛好。他們提供的服務也很友善,清潔衛生程度也是非常令人滿意的。

Shi Mei Roasted chicken rice




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