
瀏覽: 1204
02 2990 9708

1. 《TripAdvisor》
"The Purple Leaf Temple in New Taipei City is a beautiful Taoist temple that has many interesting things to offer. The temple's special features include its magnificent and brightly coloured walls and its unique sculptures of birds, bees, and fish. The temple also has a fascinating display of ancient artifacts that offers a glimpse into the past. The temple's surroundings are peaceful and tranquil, providing a good spot to enjoy some peace and quiet. The friendly staff is always there to help you, and they are eager to provide helpful information about the temple and its history. Overall, it's a great place to experience the culture and history of Taiwan."

2. 《Google Reviews》
"The Purple Leaf Temple in New Taipei City is a beautiful and spiritual place of worship. The main temple is surrounded by lush foliage and birdsong, and the atmosphere is filled with peace and tranquility. Inside the temple there are intricately carved sculptures, colorful decorations, and artifacts from ancient times. The staff is kind and knowledgeable, always ready to help with any queries. All in all, this is an excellent place to get a deeper understanding of Taiwan's culture and history."

🏟 新莊慈祐宮(次):242台灣新北市新莊區新莊路218號
🏟 五塊厝保安宮(次):802台灣高雄市苓雅區福壽街196號
🏟 財團法人埔里恒吉宮(次):545台灣南投縣埔里鎮南興街367號
🏟 森法殿(次):883台灣澎湖縣七美鄉10鄰13號
🏟 協聖宮(次):242台灣新北市新莊區中正路81巷6號
🏟 代天府基華宮(次):717台灣台南市仁德區民安路二段154號
🏟 潭底福德宮(次):238台灣新北市樹林區豐林街40之1號
🏟 中台禪寺台北泰山分院普正精舍(次):243台灣新北市泰山區辭修路32號
🏟 福神宮(次):350台灣苗栗縣竹南鎮崁頂街152 號
🏟 三芝福成宮(次):25241台灣新北市三芝區中山路一段38號
🏟 鎮南廟(次):900台灣屏東縣屏東市徐州路
🏟 東門保福德祠(次):300台灣新竹市東區東前街25號
🏟 興耀佛堂(次):640台灣雲林縣斗六市萬年路608號
🏟 發一崇德興振佛堂(次):640台灣雲林縣斗六市158巷95號
🏟 源山宮復國廟(次):892金門縣金寧鄉昔果山52之5號
🏟 南華奉天宮(次):906台灣屏東縣高樹鄉906
🏟 古佛堂(次):640台灣雲林縣斗六市湖山路180號
🏟 埔心武聖宮關聖帝君(次):51347台灣彰化縣埔心鄉武聖路491號
🏟 下橋福興宮朱李池三府王爺(次):40252台灣台中市南區福南街100號
🏟 大臺中佛教會(次):412台灣大里區台中市 大里區德芳路二段71號
🏟 五文昌廟旁福德祠(次):360台灣苗栗縣苗栗市嘉盛里
🏟 台中開台天后宮(次):412台灣台中市大里區福大路21巷3弄5號
🏟 協安宮(次):600台灣嘉義市東區文昌街96號
🏟 永安宮(次):239台灣新北市鶯歌區中正三路
🏟 南澳關帝廟(次):212連江縣東引鄉樂華村52號