
💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 968
02 2896 6300

1. “The Woju Shengxuan Palace in Taipei is an amazing temple that I will visit again. The atmosphere is solemn and peaceful. You can feel the serene energy of the divine surrounding you. The staff are very friendly and helpful. The decorations are beautiful and the offerings are very nice. I felt very calm and relaxed when I was there.”

2. “The Woju Shengxuan Palace in Taipei is an incredibly impressive temple. The decor is amazing and the atmosphere is incredibly peaceful and calming. The offerings were incredibly lovely and I felt so much peace while inside. The staff were very friendly and accommodating. I must visit again soon.”

3. “The Temple Woju Shengxuan Palace in Taipei is a fantastic temple that I have visited multiple times. Every time I go, I am filled with a profound sense of peace. The architecture is beautiful, the offerings are well made, and the prayer halls are serene. The staff are always helpful and passionate. I highly recommend it to all!”

🏟 帥奉宮(次):825台灣高雄市橋頭區東林路32之7號
🏟 天華宮(次):634台灣雲林縣褒忠鄉1~16號
🏟 護國宮(次):630台灣雲林縣斗南鎮港墘38號
🏟 鹿港北頭奉天宮蘇府大二三王爺開基祖廟(次):50563台灣彰化縣鹿港鎮中山路460號
🏟 孚聖宮(次):220台灣新北市板橋區莒光路171巷3弄1號號
🏟 嘉義總開基七府郎千歲 開基七郎廟(次):600台灣嘉義市東區朝陽街175號
🏟 高樹鄉 武德宮 關聖帝君(次):906台灣屏東縣高樹鄉建興村
🏟 柴口浮潛區(次):95142台灣台東縣綠島鄉柴口61號
🏟 新竹無極聖鳳宮(次):300台灣新竹市東區興竹街142號
🏟 苗栗天靈寺(次):366台灣苗栗縣銅鑼鄉樟樹村63之2號
🏟 三峽太子宮(次):237台灣新北市三峽區中正路一段292巷9弄2號1樓
🏟 福美宮(次):235台灣新北市中和區莊敬路33巷5弄2號(臨
🏟 樹林樹福宮(次):238台灣新北市樹林區水源街75號
🏟 玉皇宮(高雄市天公廟)(次):807台灣高雄市三民區河北二路218號
🏟 埒內拱雲宮(次):632台灣雲林縣虎尾鎮埒內里174號
🏟 番仔寮惠迪宮(次):908台灣屏東縣長治鄉舊廟路1號
🏟 福和宮(次):235台灣新北市中和區廣福路112號
🏟 錫隘古道(次):354台灣苗栗縣獅潭鄉
🏟 彰化和美無極龍華慈惠堂(次):508台灣彰化縣和美鎮西美路115號
🏟 蘆洲福安宮(次):247台灣新北市蘆洲區民權路70號號
🏟 水仙宮[嘉客](次):616台灣嘉義縣新港鄉
🏟 普庵宮(次):241台灣新北市三重區光明路32巷16號
🏟 士林桃花宮(次):111台灣台北市士林區華齡街17巷14號
🏟 鹿港城隍廟(次):505台灣彰化縣鹿港鎮中山路366號
🏟 屏東市奉天宮(次):900台灣屏東縣屏東市大同北路95號