
💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1873


第一條 新北市臨水宮為一宗教朝聖地,信眾可於此崇拜灶神與龍王兩大信仰,及其他神明。

第二條 新北市臨水宮為大眾提供安全的信仰空間,除朝拜以外,亦可用於舉辦宗教活動,但當事人應於預先取得有關當局的批核及准許下方可行。

第三條 新北市臨水宮祈求福祉的神明,包括灶神與龍王兩大信仰及其他神明,讓民眾得以獲得健康、繁榮及財富,以及遠離災苦,及讓灶神與龍王的力量,擁有永恆的守護力。

1. The Lin Shui Temple in New Taipei City is quite an impressive sight. The building itself is beautiful, and the grounds are quite peaceful and tranquil. The temple is surrounded by lush greenery and its setting makes it a beautiful spot to visit. The staff there are friendly and accommodating, and there are many interesting things to see and do. The interior of the temple is well maintained and it is quite a spectacle to behold. Overall, it's a great place to visit and take some time to relax and meditate. Highly recommend it! 

2. I visited the Lin Shui Temple in New Taipei City recently and it was a wonderful experience. The interior of the temple was gorgeous and well maintained. The grounds were very peaceful and tranquil. The staff were very helpful and accommodating. I also had an opportunity to explore the many different areas of the temple and take in the amazing beauty of the place. Overall, the Lin Shui Temple is a great place to visit and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a peaceful and beautiful place to visit. 

3. I recently had the pleasure of visiting the Lin Shui Temple in New Taipei City. The temple is absolutely stunning and the grounds are vast and beautiful. The staff were very kind and welcoming and I was able to learn a bit about the history of the temple and its religious significance to the people of Taiwan. I found the atmosphere to be peaceful and relaxing. Overall, the temple is a great place to go to find some inner peace and tranquillity. I'd highly recommend it!

🏟 東南宮(次):108台灣台北市萬華區長泰街308巷1號
🏟 慈勝宮(次):970台灣花蓮縣花蓮市中原路579號
🏟 冥漠公廟(次):300台灣新竹市北區湳雅街74號300
🏟 萬華保安宮(次):108台灣台北市萬華區環河南路二段274-1號
🏟 笨港天后宮開臺祖家媽(次):616台灣嘉義縣新港鄉61658號
🏟 龜馬山-紫皇天乙真慶宮(次):249台灣新北市八里區中華路二段165巷33號
🏟 開基靈祐宮(次):700台灣台南市中西區赤崁東街86號
🏟 康浩坑福德廟(次):221台灣新北市汐止區台5乙線
🏟 舉人公廟(次):732台灣台南市白河區頂秀祐80號
🏟 苗栗頭份碧濟宮(次):351台灣苗栗縣頭份市文化街198號
🏟 東嶺宮(次):325台灣桃園市龍潭區三坑里
🏟 玉蓮宮(次):242台灣新北市新莊區新莊路713巷20號
🏟 水仙宮[嘉客](次):616台灣嘉義縣新港鄉
🏟 獅潭老街(次):354台灣苗栗縣獅潭鄉台3線
🏟 豐安宮(次):950台灣台東縣台東市豐榮路145巷72號
🏟 臺南三山國王廟(次):704台灣台南市北區西門路三段100號
🏟 田心子福德宮(次):251台灣新北市淡水區北部濱海公路淡金路四段660號
🏟 屏東麟洛玉旨廣麟宮王爺奶奶廟(次):909台灣屏東縣麟洛鄉成功路181號
🏟 龍安宮(次):269台灣宜蘭縣冬山鄉中興路38-1號
🏟 WEI宮(次):800台灣高雄市新興區五福二路127號
🏟 湖內鎮安宮(次):829台灣高雄市湖內區中正路二段420巷168-1號
🏟 安東府(次):950台灣台東縣台東市南海路52號
🏟 靈慈宮(次):802台灣高雄市苓雅區福安路448號
🏟 萬應宮(次):110台灣台北市信義區林口街79號
🏟 鹿港後寮仔代天府(次):號, No. 66永豐路鹿港鎮彰化縣台灣 505