
💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1161
E120.330262 N22.824570, 岡山區高雄市台灣 820

Kaohsiung Gangshan Presbyterian Cemetery

The Kaohsiung Gangshan Presbyterian Cemetery is a peaceful resting place, where visitors can find solace and take in the beauty of nature. The cemetery is well laid out, with a wide variety of headstones that bear names and dates of loved ones who have passed away. The grounds are beautifully landscaped, with well-maintained lawns, trees, and shrubs. The peaceful atmosphere provides a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Visitors to the cemetery also appreciate the various memorial activities held throughout the year. From musical performances to wreath laying ceremonies, there is something for everyone to enjoy. The cemetery also has an onsite cafe, where visitors can take a break and refresh themselves after a solemn visit.

Overall, Kaohsiung Gangshan Presbyterian Cemetery is an incredible place to visit, and one that provides a great deal of peace and solace to those mourning a loss.

🏟 夜市ㄟ柑仔店(次):844台灣高雄市六龜區光復路58號
🏟 TUs Inn Bar(次):600台灣嘉義市東區600嘉義市東區
🏟 華納電子遊藝場(次):412台灣台中市大里區東榮路一段98號
🏟 太陽遊藝場(次):433台灣台中市沙鹿區大同街
🏟 民雄香艷歌友會(次):621台灣嘉義縣民雄鄉號
🏟 艾莉森 elysion(次):106台灣台北市大安區忠孝東路四段208號3樓
🏟 The Liquor Store Bar(次):3341 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR 97214美國
🏟 Cashew Ktv Karaoke L(次):878 Upper Bukit Timah Rd, 新加坡 678180
🏟 金濠會(次):香港尖東九龍尖沙咀東加連威老道92號幸福中心地庫1樓2-7號舖
🏟 Number 8(次):8 market, Sundar Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110003印度
🏟 C5 e-Library Waiting(次):337台灣桃園市大園區航站南路9號
🏟 club fondle(次):香港鵝頸8/F, Bartlock Centre, 3 Yiu Wa Street, Causeway Bay, H.K.銅鑼灣 耀華街3號 百樂中心 8樓 club fondle
🏟 紅歌星卡拉OK(次):108台灣台北市萬華區西藏路150號
🏟 Canvas(次):20 Upper Circular Road, #B1-01 The Riverwalk, 新加坡 058416
🏟 礁溪表演廳(次):262台灣宜蘭縣礁溪鄉大忠路28號
🏟 新天幕酒吧(次):香港何文田何文田窩打老道67C號1樓
🏟 Sugar(次):香港中環美臣里1號
🏟 手藝(次):407台灣台中市西屯區清武巷45號
🏟 柴灣漁民娛樂會(次):香港柴灣
🏟 大富爺視聽社(次):807台灣三民區十全二路188號
🏟 18 TC(次):408台灣台中市南屯區大川街38號
🏟 Anthony-安東尼(次):10491台灣台北市中山區林森北路145巷30號
🏟 幸運公司(次):10491台灣台北市中山區南京東路三段26號號
🏟 Rainbow Room(次):219 NW Davis St, Portland, OR 97209美國
🏟 女神(次):300台灣新竹市東區中正路96巷No. 22