The Coffee Roaster

💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1772
10 Kent Ridge Crescent, #01-02 Block AS8, 新加坡 119260
8700 7958
The Coffee Roaster(TRC)是新加坡的一家精品咖啡店,位於新加坡河畔利物浦街,是一個新近開張的咖啡店,深受當地居民喜歡。TRC以咖啡豆為特色,致力成為新加坡咖啡豆的領導者,從世界各地嚴格挑選咖啡豆,嚴謹的處理,和專業的烘焙技術保證了每一杯咖啡的風味獨特。在廚房裡,他們擁有一個全新的咖啡豆烘焙機,為客人帶來最新的風味,並為客人提供最新最棒的咖啡體驗。




1. The Coffee Roaster,a popular specialty coffee shop in Singapore, offers a wide variety of freshly roasted coffee.

2. All of the coffee beans are sourced from the finest estates and roasted using high quality roasting machines to preserve the unique coffees flavors.

3. The Coffee Roaster also offers a selection of coffee-inspired drinks, such as lattes, cappuccinos, and mochas.

4. Customers can also purchase a variety of freshly brewed coffees from The Coffee Roaster, the selection of which changes on a weekly basis to ensure that only the freshest beans are used.

5. The Coffee Roaster also offers tea drinks, such as chai lattes, iced tea and green tea.

6. In addition, customers can also purchase coffee-related accessories, such as coffee mugs, espresso machines, and coffee grinders.

7. The Coffee Roaster prides itself in providing excellent service, with friendly customer service staff available to assist customers and answer any questions they may have.

8. The Coffee Roaster is dedicated to providing its customers with quality products and services that emphasize excellence and quality.

1. "I visited 'The Coffee Roaster' in Singapore and it was an awesome experience! They have really good coffee with unique flavours. The baristas were very friendly and attentive. I would definitely recommend this place for anyone looking for great coffee and an atmosphere to chill."

2. "The Coffee Roaster has great coffee and the atmosphere is amazing. The staff were really helpful and knowledgeable. I highly recommend this place if you're ever in Singapore."

3. "The Coffee Roaster in Singapore is my favourite place for coffee. They have really good coffee and the staff are really friendly. They also have a great selection of beans to choose from. Highly recommended!"

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