Imperial Treasure

💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2022
50 Jurong Gateway Rd, B1-11, Singapore 608549
6339 1811
新加坡Imperial Treasure是一家以宫廷美食著稱的高級餐廳。位於多倫登街的Imperial Treasure,有著獨特的新加坡為王者風格,店面裝潢古樸,細緻的餐具表現了宮廷的溫馨和恩慈的氣息。

Imperial Treasure的菜色蘊含歷史沿革和新鮮食材,著名菜品包括海鮮炒飯、泰式五香豬腩、秘製蜜糖乳豬、叉燒湯、鮑魚龍蝦雞絲等等。泰式菜品以實惠的價格提供給客人,而玉米蝦蒸扇貝、香芒炒澳洲肉排則比較貴腐。在Imperial Treasure,您可以品嚐到各種濃郁,細膩的宮廷口味!

Imperial Treasure的服務也極具特色,以服務著稱,客人每次前來,都能獲得細節和耐心的關照,讓客人在這殿堂級的宮廷環境中彷彿置身于新加坡皇宮中,享受宮廷歡樂。

此外,Imperial Treasure還提供上門服務,免去客人預約餐廳位置以及購物餐飲的煩惱。在Imperial Treasure可以體驗高品質的宮廷美食體驗,以有競爭力的價格提供客人,確保客人能獲得最佳的服務和食物,讓每次客人前來,都能有一個特別的體驗。

新加坡Imperial Treasure永遠是客人慢活細味生活的最佳所在。 Imperial Treasure的宮廷美食、古樸裝潢、優質的服務和競爭力的價格,讓客人們能獲得一個迷人而完美的味覺享受、一個特別的歡樂宮廷體驗。非常值得推薦給想要體驗正宗宮廷餐飲的人們!

(1) Imperial Treasure is regarded as one of the most iconic and prestigious restaurants in Singapore. 

(2) It is renowned for its exceptional quality of cuisine, which features the finest ingredients handpicked from the best sources around the globe. 

(3) The menu offers a wide selection of authentic Chinese dishes, with each dish carefully prepared by the experienced chefs. 

(4) Imperial Treasure takes pride in its signature dishes, such as the Signature Peking Duck, Steamed Scallop Dumplings and the Charcoal-grilled Beef Ribs.

(5) It is also well-known for its extensive range of traditional Chinese desserts, including the Imperial Egg Tart and Mango Sago. 

(6) The restaurant provides a unique and intimate dining experience, with luxurious modern interiors and attentive staff who are always on hand to provide impeccable service. 

(7) Guests are also spoiled for choice with an impressive selection of premium wines and spirits from all over the world. 

(8) Furthermore, Imperial Treasure has an exclusive loyalty programme, which rewards guests with complimentary dishes and other special privileges. 

(9) All these factors make Imperial Treasure the perfect destination for discerning diners seeking an unforgettable dining experience.

• 地點舒適,菜餚品嚐也是一流!

• 服務良好,價錢合理,一定非常值得去光顧。

• 服務人員很友善,可以很快地點菜,性價比高。

• 環境非常優雅,吃到的食物質量都很高。

• 餐廳的環境非常舒適,每趟美食旅程都很有意義。

• 料理精緻,味道甘甜可口,總體上來說,非常的滿意。

• 新加坡Imperial Treasure的環境舒適,服務也很棒。

• 非常有氣氛,當你坐在這裡,它感覺像家一樣的溫馨。

• 經常有優惠,而服務和環境都相當不錯,非常值得推薦。

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🏟 濠園茶餐廳(次):香港小西灣柴灣小西灣富景花園富景商場地下49至50號
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🏟 佐藤咖哩(次):106台灣台北市大安區和平東路三段228巷9號
🏟 Tivo(次):香港中環雲咸街43號
🏟 Tell Camellia Cockta(次):LG/Floor , H Code 45 pottinger street Entrance alley on 48 Cochrane St
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🏟 天下第一雞(次):363台灣苗栗縣公館鄉榮光街6號