Sze Hing Canteen

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 788
G/F, 37 Lee Chung Street, Chai Wan, Chai Wan, 香港
2965 4128

1. "I had lunch from Sze Hing Canteen in Hong Kong and I was impressed. The food was fresh, the service was friendly and the price was very reasonably priced. Highly recommend!" 

2. "I got to try Sze Hing Canteen in Hong Kong, and it was really delicious! The lady in charge was very accommodating and the price was very reasonable. Would definitely recommend this place!" 

3. "Had a great experience at Sze Hing Canteen in Hong Kong. The food is always fresh and reasonably priced. Service was also excellent. Highly recommend!" 

4. "Just tried Sze Hing Canteen in Hong Kong and it was delicious! Reasonably priced and the staff was very friendly. Highly recommend!"

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🏟 金雞早午餐(次):號, No. 122內山公路屏東市屏東縣台灣 900
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🏟 大樹水餃站(次):831台灣高雄市大寮區鳳屏一路460號
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🏟 千嵐日式拉麵(次):326台灣桃園市楊梅區新成路183號
🏟 信義豆漿店(次):201台灣基隆市信義區東信路268號
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