香料屋印度料理 The Spice Sh

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天母東路50巷10弄6號, 士林區台北市台灣 111
02 2873 7775
akers in Taipei is one of the most beloved Indian restaurants in the city. It is located in the famous Taipei West Metro station area. It offers a variety of tasty and sumptuous Indian dishes that are made with authentic spices and ingredients.

The restaurant is surrounded by large windows that let in plenty of natural light, making it a warm and inviting space. The restaurant has several seating areas with comfortable cushions and pillows, making it a cozy and relaxing setting. The interior is decorated with Indian artwork, which adds to the ambiance.

The menu includes classic Indian dishes like chicken tikka masala, butter chicken, samosas, dal makhani, tandoori chicken, and more. They also serve freshly baked breads like roti and naan. All dishes are served with accompaniments like yogurt-based raita, cilantro-based chutneys, and pickled onions.

Spice Shakers also offers a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, including traditional Indian drinks like lassi and mango lassi. They also have a variety of Indian desserts, including halwa, kheer, and gulab jamun.

Overall, Spice Shakers is a great place to enjoy flavorful and delicious Indian cuisine. They offer a wide range of dishes and desserts to their customers, making it a great spot to enjoy a meal among friends and family.

The Spice Sh is a renowned Indian restaurant located in Taipei that chiefly offers a variety of flavorsome curries, delightful naan, and several dishes prepared with traditional Indian spices. The restaurant has an extensive menu that caters to a wide range of customers.

The Spice Sh has a team of highly experienced chefs who create the authentic Indian flavors. They take utmost care in selecting the freshest ingredients, and use traditional methods to prepare each dish. The chefs incorporate a variety of spices to create flavorful and unique dishes.

The restaurant is renowned for its use of unique spices and herbs to bring out the full flavor of the ingredients. The chefs also employ creative ideas to create innovative dishes, such as saffron infused curries, mango and curry ice cream, and butter chicken.

The restaurant also offers a wide selection of desserts, including traditional Indian desserts such as gulab jamun, rasmalai, and kheer. The Spice Sh also hosts a variety of events such as wine and cheese tastings, and cooking classes to introduce customers to the wonderful world of Indian cuisine.

The Spice Sh has earned a well-deserved reputation for serving delicious, traditional Indian meals with the freshest ingredients and a hint of unique spices. It is an award-winning restaurant, voted the best Indian restaurant in Taipei in 2020 by the Taiwan Food Awards.

1. "The Spice Sh is a great place to get a taste of Indian Cuisine. The food is quite tasty and always cooked just right. The service is friendly and helpful, and the prices are reasonable. Highly recommended!"

2. "The Spice Sh is a great place to get authentic Indian cuisine. They have a wide variety of dishes and the portions are generous. The restaurant is clean and the staff are friendly. Highly recommended!"

3. "The Spice Sh is the best place to go for Indian food in Taipei. The food is excellent and the service is great. The atmosphere is relaxed and enjoyable. Highly recommended!"

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