
💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2046
號, 11 Tong Chun St, Tseung Kwan O, 香港
2529 6993
Waalah is a Hong Kong-based online fashion retailer operating in Asia. Founded in 2019, Waalah focuses on providing quality, casual and stylish apparel for the lower-middle class, with products ranging from shirts, dresses and skirts to outerwear, sweaters and accessories. As a business, Waalah strives to make fashion more accessible and enjoyable for the mass market.

 Waalah is dedicated to bringing fashion trends to customers at an affordable price. Their selection of products are constantly updated to match the latest fashion trends, and prices range from HKD50 to HKD199 – making them accessible to an even wider market. Waalah also offers an innovative personal styling service, where customers can discover new styles and trends that best suit their individual style and body type. 

In addition to the basic fashion products, Waalah carries a variety of accessories and gift items to enhance the shopping experience and give customers more options. From handbags and jewelry to home decor and tech gadgets, Waalah has it all. 

The company also promises fast and reliable delivery – orders can be delivered within 3-7 business days. Furthermore, Waalah makes sure that all products are of good quality, and offers a 30-day return policy for customers’ convenience.

Overall, Waalah is a great option for anyone who wants to stay on top of fashion trends without breaking the bank. The company’s commitment to providing quality products at an affordable price and their innovative personal styling service make them a great choice for anyone looking for something different. From casual to formal, Waalah has something for everyone – no matter your style or budget.







1.「一些Waalah的服務真的十分好,它的服務人員都很友善,而且它的服務時間也很短,所以我很滿意我在Waalah上的經驗. 」

2.「Waalah的收費標準很合理,服務也很衛生。我覺得很值得在這裏投資一些時間,並且獲得滿意的服務. 」

3.「Waalah有很多不同的服務項目,而且物價公道,最重要的是它的服務水準也很高,比較受到消費者的肯定. 」

4.「我正在使用Waalah,我對它服務的效率和標準很滿意,服務人員也都很友好。另外,他們的客戶服務也很棒,處理事務的時間很快. 」

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