The Animal Clinic Ex

💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1307
01-19, 109 Clementi Street 11, 新加坡 120109
6774 4464

1. The Animal Clinic Ex has a team of highly qualified veterinarians and veterinary nurses who provide a full range of professional services in a clean and safe environment. 

2. The clinic is outfitted with modern equipment and facilities to provide comprehensive services ranging from general consultations to surgeries. 

3. The clinic provides a broad range of preventive and therapeutic care, such as physical examinations, vaccinations, dental care, radiographs, ultrasounds, laboratory tests, dermatological treatments, and nutrition counselling. 

4. The clinic also provides pet owners with educational materials to help keep their pets healthy and foster a bond between pets and their owners. 

5. In addition to the services provided in the clinic, The Animal Clinic Ex also offers pet grooming, nutrition services, and pet sitting services. 

6. The clinic actively supports animal-related charities and organizations, such as the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and contributes financially to animal welfare causes. 

7. Finally, The Animal Clinic Ex is committed to providing exceptional customer service and personalized attention to each and every client.

1. “The Animal Clinic Ex’s staff are so friendly and comforting to my pet. The vet is gentle and caring towards my pet, and all the treatments were successful. Highly recommended!” - Vivien K., Singapore

2. “The Animal Clinic Ex is one of the best vets in Singapore! I have taken my pets there several times and the service has been top-notch. The vets are knowledgeable and friendly. Highly recommended!” - Chris T., Singapore

3. “I’ve been taking my pets to The Animal Clinic Ex for over 10 years now, and they have always taken excellent care of my furry friends. The staff are so friendly and knowledgeable. Highly recommended!” – George S., Singapore

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