The Wharf

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1517
52 W Coast Ferry Rd, RSYC Yacht Club, 新加坡 126887
6768 9351

The Wharf is an iconic tourist destination located in Singapore. It consists of two sides – the Singapore River Waterfront Promenade and Robertson Quay – which are connected by a bridge. It is packed with vibrant and exciting attractions, restaurants, attractions and nightspots. 

The Wharf offers a variety of experiences to visitors. It offers lively nightlife with fine-dining restaurants, trendy bars and live music venues. It also boasts a diverse range of entertainment offerings, from live shows and interactive exhibits to movie screens in the open-air. All the establishments offer an array of culinary delights and drinks selections. 

The Wharf is known for its breathtaking outdoor setting. The boardwalk features an amazing view of the Singapore River, while the terraced lawns offer a picturesque victoria waterfront view. With plenty of benches and landscaped pathways, visitors can relax and take in the spectacular views. 

The Wharf also features a range of cultural and educational programs. Visitors can join guided walking tours, participate in classes and workshops, and enjoy other stimulating programs. 

In summary, The Wharf is a vibrant tourist destination in Singapore, offering a variety of experiences to visitors. It features an impressive outdoor setting, with a boardwalk overlooking the Singapore River, and terraced lawns providing a stunning victoria waterfront view. There is also a wide selection of restaurants, bars and entertainment offerings, as well as educational and cultural programs. 

1. “Excellent spot for a drink or two and a meal. The wharf is very well done in terms of decor and setting. Service was friendly and they had great live music as well.” – TripAdvisor Reviewer

2. “The whole place is lovely, the views and atmosphere are epic. I had dinner there during sunset and it was so romantic. The food is delicious and the staff is very friendly.” – Yelp Reviewer 

3. “The location is beautiful and the food was delicious. The staff were all friendly and attentive. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who visits Singapore.” – Google Reviewer 

4. “The Wharf is a great spot, with a great vibe and incredible views. The food was amazing, the service was quick, and the drinks were flavorful. Highly recommend!” – Facebook Reviewer

🏟 味粥道(次):651台灣雲林縣北港鎮大同路400號
🏟 Albergo San Marco(次):S. Marco, 877, 30124 Venezia VE, 意大利
🏟 正 嘉義火雞肉飯(次):號, No. 586-1成功路北區台南市台灣 704
🏟 阿貴姑餛飩湯(次):407台灣台中市西屯區文華路2號
🏟 達美樂披薩 仁武中華店(次):814台灣高雄市仁武区中華路140號
🏟 帰拉麵KAERI - 豬肋排拉麵 人氣推(次):813台灣高雄市左營區孟子路262號
🏟 異人館 軍福店(次):406台灣台中市北屯區和順路378號
🏟 喜棧 - 九龍塘(次):香港九龍塘達之路80號
🏟 永亨無骨炸雞(次):201台灣基隆市信義區義七路4號
🏟 新埔粄條(次):303台灣新竹縣湖口鄉民生街36號
🏟 徐家庭園食堂(次):909台灣屏東縣麟洛鄉中正路359號
🏟 芙蓉熟成咖喱所(次):704台灣台南市北區公園北路106號
🏟 山頂居甕仔雞永康店(次):710台灣台南市永康區永大路二段597號
🏟 竹光大粉粿(次):300台灣新竹市北區竹光路209號
🏟 早安美芝城北斗斗苑(次):52147台灣彰化縣北斗鎮斗苑路一段11號
🏟 邦喬諾美食料理館(次):10491台灣台北市中山區台北市中山區長安西路19巷2弄29號
🏟 舞古賀涮涮屋火鍋-高雄天祥店 高雄火鍋(次):80792台灣高雄市三民區天祥一路173號
🏟 富津砂鍋魚頭(次):號, No. 248彰美路一段彰化市彰化縣台灣 500
🏟 Taborspace(次):5441 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR 97215美國
🏟 吳媽媽包子專賣店(次):973台灣花蓮縣吉安鄉中山路三段12-1號(門市下午2點營業))中山路一段16號(工廠)
🏟 獵人廚房Wild Foods 壹號店(次):970台灣花蓮縣花蓮市東興二街13巷3號
🏟 米食 미식(次):106台灣台北市大安區瑞安街252號
🏟 濃厚鋪青草茶自由店(次):號, No. 184自由路鳳山區高雄市台灣 830
🏟 House Pasta Coffee(次):408台灣台中市南屯區大墩十四街160號
🏟 花拾間咖啡廚房(次):800台灣高雄市新興區七賢一路297號80053