三井cuisine M

💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2098
02 2345 1101
Taipei Mitsui Cuisine M is one of the most popular Japanese restaurants in Taipei. It is located in the Taipei 101 shopping district and has been providing authentic Japanese cuisine since its opening in 2012.

The restaurant specializes in traditional Japanese dishes such as sushi, tempura, and teppanyaki. The bar also serves sake and other traditional alcoholic drinks. The restaurant is popular among locals and tourists alike due to its delicious food and cozy atmosphere.

The restaurant has a unique design, with bright colors and large windows that allow for plenty of natural light. The tables and chairs are of high quality, and the sushi bar offers a great place to interact with the chefs. The staff is friendly and attentive, and the chefs are knowledgeable and experienced in crafting authentic dishes.

The menu consists of both classic and modern dishes that reflect the restaurant’s commitment to quality and authenticity. The restaurant also offers seasonal dishes and special combinations that let patrons enjoy the best flavors of Japan. Prices are reasonable and the restaurant offers great value for money.

Overall, Taipei Mitsui Cuisine M offers a great dining experience that combines modern and traditional Japanese cuisine. The restaurant’s special combination dishes, excellent staff, and high quality ingredients all contribute to its appeal. The atmosphere is cozy and inviting, and the food is tasty and fresh. With its great value and quality, Taipei Mitsui Cuisine M is a great choice for those looking for an authentic Japanese experience.

三井Cuisine M的特色主要在於





1. 得分最高的前幾名是 TripAdvisor、GuruNavi、食べログ與來去美食。

2. 在Yelp上,三井cuisine M被評價為4.3顆星,被滿分5顆星。

3. Google Maps上也有許多關於三井cuisine M的評論。顧客們表示對料理、價格、服務等都很滿意,也得到了4.3顆星的評分。

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