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Hong Kong Andong Roast Kitchen's main characteristic is preparing traditional Cantonese dishes with modern and creative techniques that produce scrumptious and unique flavors. All of their meats are carefully selected, with signature dishes like the Crispy Roast Duck and Barbecue Pork, the Spicy Pepper Roast Pork Belly, and the Country-Style Roast Pork Belly. Their dishes are marinated and slow cooked over a charcoal fire with precise timing and technique to ensure the best flavor and texture is achieved. To enhance their flavors, they use traditional, quality ingredients such as spices and vegetables. Through their unique combinations and cooking methods, they bring to life an array of classic and inventive dishes that are sure to tantalize your taste buds.

1. "The food at HK English is delicious! I had the crispy roasted pork and it was full of flavor. The service was friendly and they make sure your food is cooked to perfection. Highly recommend it!" -Sylvia S. 

2. "I love the BBQ pork and roast duck at HK English! The char siu is especially delicious. The service is always friendly and efficient. Highly recommend it!" -Michael L. 

3. "The best siu mei in town! HK English has the tastiest pork and duck dishes. I'm always not satisfied when I leave here. Definitely a must-try!" -Karen G.

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🏟 享味廚房(次):238台灣新北市樹林區大有路6號
🏟 路邊飯糰(次):806台灣高雄市前鎮區高雄縣鳳山市永豐路及崗山南街路口(建成文理補習班前)
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🏟 9527早午餐(次):242台灣新北市新莊區幸福路882號
🏟 風窩烤肉(次):No. 163, 莊敬五街竹北市新竹縣台灣 302
🏟 Island Exotics(次):2/F, Hing Tai Building, 139-140 Connaught Road West, Sai Ying Pun, 香港
🏟 民雄市場大腸攤(次):621台灣嘉義縣民雄鄉中樂路32號1 號
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🏟 O2 Brunch café 歐圖新市(次):744台灣台南市新市區中正路408號
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🏟 聯發港式燒腊(次):970台灣花蓮縣花蓮市花蓮縣花蓮市中山路422號之3
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