Ido Delicious French

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Ido Delicious French遵循傳統法式烹飪手法,提供百分之百美味的精選歐陸佳餚,為香港食客帶來頂級的品質保證及用餐享受。

條例一:Ido Delicious French使用傳統法式烹飪手法,提供傳統味道及極致的美味佳餚。

條例二:Ido Delicious French所有食材均為新鮮食材,並為客人提供美味口感的新鮮食物。

條例三:Ido Delicious French提供全方位的服務及用餐享受,期待能令客人享受獨特美食的體驗。


"Ido Delicious French in Hong Kong is a great spot for a quick bite. The food is delicious and reasonably priced. The service is prompt and the staff are friendly and helpful. The decor is modern and stylish, and the atmosphere is relaxed and welcoming. Overall, this is a great spot for a quick, casual meal."

"I visited Ido Delicious French in Hong Kong recently and I was pleasantly surprised. The food was delicious, well presented and generous in portion. The service was attentive and the atmosphere was pleasant and relaxed. I would definitely recommend this place to anyone looking for a delicious and affordable meal."

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