Kian Seng Seafood Re

💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2694
Blk 4013 Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 1, #01-450, 新加坡 569629
6458 2552

Kian Seng Seafood Restaurant is a popular seafood restaurant in Singapore that offers a variety of fresh seafood dishes at affordable prices. The restaurant is located in the heart of the city and has been a mainstay for locals and tourists alike for the past two decades.

The restaurant's signature dishes include their signature steamed crabs, chili and black pepper crabs, and salted egg crabs. The seafood is sustainably sourced from local fishermen and farmers and is prepared with a simple and flavorful cooking style that has been perfected over the years. The restaurant also offers other traditional dishes such as laksa and satay.

Kian Seng Seafood Restaurant is known for its value for money and friendly service. The restaurant staff is friendly and helpful, and they are willing to go out of their way to ensure customers have a pleasant dining experience. The restaurant also offers convenient delivery services and catering services for special events.

Kian Seng Seafood Restaurant is a great option for those looking to enjoy fresh seafood at an affordable price. The restaurant offers a variety of fresh seafood dishes that are prepared with a simple, flavorful cooking style. The staff is friendly and accommodating, and they are willing to go out of their way to ensure customers have a pleasant dining experience. With its excellent value for money and helpful service, Kian Seng Seafood Restaurant is an excellent option for anyone looking for a delicious seafood meal in Singapore.

新加坡Kian Seng Seafood Restaurant是新加坡著名的海鮮餐廳,為客戶帶來令人難以忘懷的美食體驗。根據特色,Kian Seng Seafood Restaurant提供以下服務:

第一條  Kian Seng Seafood Restaurant提供新鮮魚類和海鮮美食,令客戶享受天然的美味。

第二條 Kian Seng Seafood Restaurant提供客製化的海鮮餐,對於有特別口味的客戶提供專屬美食體驗。

第三條 Kian Seng Seafood Restaurant店內也有提供其他招待客人的服務,包括墨西哥式餐廳,泰國料理,中華與日本料理等。

第四條 Kian Seng Seafood Restaurant提供全方位的食物享受,客人可以在餐廳內享用高質量,同時也可以在家中聚餐,為客人提供全方位難忘美食體驗。

以上就是新加坡Kian Seng Seafood Restaurant的特色。

1. "Kian Seng Seafood Restaurant has some of the freshest seafood I have ever tasted. The prices may be a bit steep, but the quality of the seafood is sure worth it. The staff is incredibly friendly, and the atmosphere is always pleasant. Highly recommended!" - Samuel Li, Google Reviews

2. "I can honestly say that Kian Seng Seafood Restaurant is a hidden gem in the heart of Singapore. The seafood is so fresh and well-prepared, and the staff is so friendly and accommodating. Highly recommend!" - Emily Ng, TripAdvisor Reviews

3. "If you're looking for a delicious seafood meal in Singapore, Kian Seng Seafood Restaurant is the place to be. There's a huge variety of seafood dishes to choose from, all at reasonable prices and cooked to perfection. Definitely worth a visit!" - David Loh, Yelp Reviews

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