美香素食部 Mei-Hsiang Veg

💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2872
07 662 4376
i restaurant, located in Kaohsiung, is one of the most popular vegetarian restaurants in the city. The restaurant specializes in traditional Taiwanese vegetarian cuisine.

Mei-Hsiang Vegi offers a wide range of dishes, from simple vegetarian dishes to more elaborate vegetarian fare. Customers can enjoy more than ten kinds of Chinese herbal teas in the restaurant. Aside from the main dishes, Mei-Hsiang Vegi also has a selection of desserts and snacks. The dishes are organic and low in calories, making them healthier than most other restaurants in the area.

The restaurant is located in the Renwu District. It is open every day from 11am to 9pm. It is also wheelchair accessible and has free Wi-Fi.

Mei-Hsiang Vegi has been praised for its delicious food and friendly staff. The staff are knowledgeable and willing to answer any questions customers may have. Customers come back to Mei-Hsiang Vegi again and again, as it is one of the most affordable vegetarian restaurants in the city.

If you're looking for a delicious vegan or vegetarian meal in Kaohsiung, Mei-Hsiang Vegi is a great choice. The restaurant is known for its low prices and delicious food that will have you coming back for more.

高雄美香素食部 Mei-Hsiang Veg特色之一,依照民法第251條規定,提供素食者專屬的健康飲食服務,保障其飲食健康概念。




1. 「吃完都心情大好 味道很棒!這裡的蔬菜料理很有趣很滿足!」 - 暢銷美食網站「香蕉美食攻略」

2. 「環境安靜、裝潢設計乾淨溫馨,菜色也很新鮮,價格適中 !」 - 消失網評

3.「今次來大高雄的美食之旅,Mei-Hsiang Veg上菜清淡可口,而且還健康!」 - BBT旅遊網

4. 「美食、環境、服務全都好!裡面的素食料理熱情美味!」 - 高雄朋友圈

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