Sun Ray Cafe

💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2470
79 Brighton Crescent, 新加坡 559218
6283 8700

Sun Ray Cafe的特色:

1.Sun Ray Cafe以手製輕食為主,以新鮮食材為原料,每個菜色都經過精心烹調以符合客人的口味。

2.Sun Ray Cafe擁有一個小型表演空間,每週邀請不同音樂家與詼諧演員在這裡發揮他們的才華。

3.Sun Ray Cafe的餐點選擇多元,提供早餐、午餐以及晚餐等豐富菜單,滿足客人不同的需求。

4.Sun Ray Cafe設有一個大型露台,可以欣賞到美麗的日落,客人可以在這裡享受悠閒的夜晚。

5.Sun Ray Cafe提供免費Wi-Fi連接服務,使客人可以隨時隨地觀看最新的影片和網路資訊。

1. "Sun Ray Cafe is a great cafe with a wide selection of beverages and desserts. The coffee is especially delicious. The atmosphere is relaxed and the staff are friendly. Highly recommended!"

2. "I had the pleasure of dining at Sun Ray Cafe today and not only did I enjoy the food, but the decor of the cafe was also beautiful. The staff were very helpful and the service was great. Highly recommended!"

3. "Sun Ray Cafe is a great place to hang out with friends. The food and drinks are delicious and the prices are reasonable. The staff are friendly and helpful. Highly recommended!"

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