小辣椒魷魚羹 信義分店

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2103
02 2700 7273




Taipei Little Chili Squid Cake is a well-known snack in Taiwan, and Xinyi Branch is located in Xinyi District, Taipei City. It has been open for more than 20 years and has a wealth of experience and professional skills, providing old diners with a pleasant snack. The scene and atmosphere in the store make customers feel like home, and for old diners, this is their own home.

Xinyi Branch's squid cake has a rich squid scent, and it is served with a layer of sauce. Its taste is rich and smooth, with a just-right spiciness, making people linger and taste one bite after another. The oil is overflowing and fragrant. Moreover, every food will be cooked in the evening of the same day, so there will be fresh scent of the day, which has been highly praised by customers, and has been spread to all over Taiwan.

The characteristic of Xinyi Branch is that it insists on using the freshest squid to prepare food. This approach can ensure the squid cake to be tender and juicy, as well as guaranteeing the quality and safety of food health. In addition, its price is relatively cheap, providing old diners with more dining choices at the price of 20 yuan.

In conclusion, Xinyi Branch of Taipei Little Chili Squid Cake is an old store with a traditional style. The store insists on using fresh squid to cook, and the price is comparatively cheap, and the quality is excellent, allowing old diners to eat at ease and enjoy the food.

1. 台北小辣椒魷魚羹信義分店為來自台灣台北的專業海鮮料理店,堅持使用在地鮮活海產;

2. 小辣椒台北信義分店以其獨特的烹飪風格及料理技術火紅於市場,特色菜色包括:魷魚羹、小辣椒燒肉等;

3. 信義分店秉持著「安心.好吃.環保」的烹飪理念,每道料理皆有口感滿溢的鮮美好味;

4. 小辣椒台北信義分店更同時提供特色飲品:正宗熱辣椒醬、雞蛋湯等,滿足您美味米粉類的需求。


1. 「剛剛去吃完小辣椒魷魚羹信義分店,真的非常好吃!麵粉跟魷魚很香Q,且伯伯準備的料太多了,滿滿的一盤!」

2. 「去小辣椒魷魚羹信義分店吃飯,魚肉很新鮮,攪拌的料汁也很香,超級推薦!」

3. 「今天去小辣椒魷魚羹信義分店,真的吃得不亦樂乎!服務也很好,價格也很實惠,超推薦!」

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