Dominos Woodlands

💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2213
Blk 166 Woodlands St 13, #02-525, 新加坡 730166
6222 6333

Located in Woodlands in Singapore, Domino’s Woodlands is one of the city’s leading pizza restaurants. Established in 1974, the restaurant has been serving up delicious pizzas for more than 40 years.

At Domino’s Woodlands, we are committed to providing the highest quality pizza and the best service for our customers. Our menu includes all classic pizzas, as well as a range of gourmet options with freshly prepared ingredients. We also have an extensive selection of side dishes, from salads to appetizers.

Our pizzas are made with the freshest, premium ingredients, and cooked in our custom stone ovens. This ensures that our pizzas have a perfect balance of flavour, texture and aroma. We also make our own dough in-house daily to ensure that it retains its freshness.

At Domino’s Woodlands, we strive to provide our customers with an excellent experience every time they visit. Our staff are friendly and welcoming, and always willing to help out with any questions or requests. We also offer a convenient delivery service so that you can enjoy our pizza in the comfort of your own home.

For those looking for something extra special, we offer custom pizzas. Customers can choose their own toppings, crust and sauces for a truly unique pizza experience.

At Domino’s Woodlands, we believe that good food should be accessible to everyone. That’s why we offer great value for money, with regular promotions and discounts.

Whether you’re looking for a Pizza Party or a quiet night in, Domino’s Woodlands is the perfect place for a delicious experience. With our superior quality pizzas, great service and unbeatable value for money, Domino’s Woodlands is the ideal place for pizza lovers in Singapore.

新加坡 Dominos 的 Woodlands 分店出了一些獨特又美味的披薩餐點,為了滿足每一位客戶的口味,這些披薩餐點都有不同的口味。

第一條 - Dominos Woodlands 的披薩餐點有豐富多樣的口味, 其中包括樣式簡單又經典的 Margherita 披薩、新鮮的野菜火腿披薩、精心搭配的花枝肉醬披薩、以及口感濃郁的經典辣白蔥芝士披薩等。

第二條 – Dominos Woodlands 的披薩可以製作成兩個不同的餅皮,一種是厚底餅皮,有彈牙口感耐嚼;另一種是薄餅皮,酥脆口感。

第三條 – Dominos Woodlands 的披薩一律採用新鮮和優質的原材料,所有原料均來自新鮮水果、蔬菜、肉類等,以及上等的香腸及芝士,從而確保每份披薩充滿美味口感。

第四條 – Dominos Woodlands 的披薩餐點可以搭配不同的食物配件,像餐前湯點、小菜、甜品、飲料等等,以及可以按照客戶的要求提供外帶包裝,方便客戶享受美味難忘的披薩餐點。


1.「我從一個家庭活動到Woodlands Dominos,服務很棒,披薩也很好吃,我很滿意!」

2.「Woodlands Dominos是最好的!披薩好吃又新鮮,價格合理,服務人員也很友善。」

3.「朋友說他們在Woodlands Dominos吃到最好的披薩,新鮮又好吃,價格也很便宜,很值得推薦!」

4.「Woodlands Dominos的披薩真的很好吃!服務也很迅速,價格也很合理,绝對值得一試!」

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