Ishi Mura Japanese F

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1516
Safra Jurong #2B-01, 333 Boon Lay Way, Singapore 649848
6862 0901

1. Ishi Mura Japanese F提供一系列的日本料理,包括烤牛肉,刺身,章魚燒,拉麵等等。

2. 提供純正的日本食材,從東北沿海的新鮮海鮮,到山間的特產,再到大江東流的珍饌,每種食材都會以日本本土特色風味調製。

3. 每一份料理都會由古早味的日本料理師手工製作,並以日式料理的技法達到完美的口感,以及鮮明的味道。

4. 採用安全•健康的原料,確保每一份料理都經過徹底檢測,保證食安放心消費。

5. 具有舒適的用餐空間,提供豐富的日本料理選擇,以及專業的菜單設計,為客人們提供更多的選擇。

1.“Ishi Mura Japanese restaurant serves up traditional Japanese cuisine right in the heart of Singapore. The restaurant has an extensive menu with a variety of sushi, sashimi, ramen and more. The food is delicious and the service is friendly. Prices are reasonable and the atmosphere is warm and cozy. Highly recommend this restaurant for anyone looking for authentic and delicious Japanese food.”

2.“Ishi Mura is an amazing Japanese restaurant located in Singapore. The food was delicious and generous portions of each dish. The staff is friendly and attentive to all our needs. Prices are reasonable and the atmosphere of the restaurant is inviting and comfortable. Highly recommended for anyone looking for authentic and delicious Japanese food.”

3.“I had the pleasure of visiting Ishi Mura Japanese Restaurant recently and it was a wonderful experience. The food was amazing with lots of delicious options to choose from. Service was excellent and very attentive. Prices were reasonable and the atmosphere was cozy and inviting. Highly recommend this place for anyone looking for a delicious and authentic Japanese experience.”

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