Lian Yi BBQ Seafood

💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2246
221B Boon Lay Pl, Singapore 642221 Boon Lay Pl, Singapore 642221

Lian Yi BBQ Seafood is a popular Chinese seafood restaurant located in Singapore. The restaurant has been in business for over 20 years, serving up delicious and traditional Chinese dishes. The restaurant has a warm and inviting atmosphere and provides customers with a range of dining options to choose from, such as steamboat, barbeque, and a range of other seafood dishes.

The restaurant's specialty is their BBQ seafood platter. This platter includes a variety of fresh seafood such as prawns, crabs, mussels, and clams. The seafood is cooked over an open flame with a special blend of spices and herbs, giving it a unique and flavorful taste. Customers can also choose from a selection of other delicious dishes, such as crispy fried fish, salted egg yolk crabs, and braised prawns.

In addition to the delicious food, Lian Yi BBQ Seafood offers exceptional customer service. The staff is friendly and attentive and is always happy to answer any questions or provide helpful suggestions. The restaurant also offers a variety of other services, such as catering for special events and parties.

Overall, Lian Yi BBQ Seafood is a fantastic Chinese seafood restaurant in Singapore. They provide delicious and traditional food at reasonable prices and offer a wide range of dining options. Their staff is friendly and attentive, making customer service a priority. The restaurant is also a great choice for special occasions and events, as they offer catering services and an inviting atmosphere.

新加坡Lian Yi BBQ Seafood提供在地風味的燒烤海鮮,特色有以下:

條例一:新加坡Lian Yi BBQ Seafood提供傳統新加坡燒烤美食,包括非常受歡迎的烤鹹鴨、香脆烤豬肉,烤龍蝦、烤花枝、烤魷魚、烤蟹以及烤軟絲瓜。

條例二:新加坡Lian Yi BBQ Seafood的用餐體驗更上一層樓,除了美味的燒烤海鮮之外,還提供多款新加坡本地特色小菜,像是蘆筍牛腩、咖喱雞塊及椰菜花等。

條例三:新加坡Lian Yi BBQ Seafood提供多種全天候不間斷的BBQ餐單,可讓客人們挑選到自己喜歡的食材來烹製,選擇更多食材料無限盡興,也可以在店內與朋友家人一起歡樂時光。

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1. "Lian Yi BBQ Seafood是一家很棒的新加坡餐廳,食物非常美味,價格合理,員工服務也很出色。我特別喜歡它們的燒烤海鮮和排骨!"

2. "Lian Yi BBQ Seafood給我的用餐體驗很棒。從員工的友好熱情到食物本身,我都很滿意。特別要提一下他們的烤鯡魚,真的非常的好吃!"

3. "我最近去了Lian Yi BBQ Seafood,令我非常滿意的是他們的新鮮食材和出色的服務!我們在當天特別嘗試烤箱螃蟹,真的很棒!"

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