Boon Lay Mee Goreng

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1481
221 Boon Lay Pl, Singapore 640221
9756 8442

Boon Lay Mee Goreng是新加坡具有悠久歷史的一種傳統炒麵料理,其特色為:

(1) 以番茄醬和辣椒醬為湯底,使料理色澤鮮艷;

(2) 大量使用家傳秘方醬料,並搭配新鮮食材,如:蝦、豬里肌、花蛤、香菇和蔥,使炒麵更加美味;

(3) 麵條和蔬菜充分拌勻,並且兩者量足,口感和熱量恰到好處。

以上為Boon Lay Mee Goreng的特色,被視為新加坡知名美食之一。

1. "The Boon Lay Mee Goreng here at Simpang Bedok is absolutely delicious. The noodles have a lovely texture and it comes with a generous portion of vegetables. The flavour is outstanding and definitely one of the best in Singapore."

2. "The Boon Lay Mee Goreng at Bedok Corner is the best Mee Goreng I've ever had. The spices were well balanced and the chili gave it just enough kick. I also had some of the kuey teow which was also delicious. Highly recommend coming here if you're looking for some good Boon Lay Mee Goreng."

3. "The Boon Lay Mee Goreng at Upper Thomson Road is a must-try. The noodles were cooked to perfection with a great blend of spices. The portion was generous and I was able to feed my family of four. Highly recommended!"

4. "I had the Boon Lay Mee Goreng at Redhill Market and it was absolutely delicious! The noodles were perfectly cooked with a nice blend of spices and the portion was generous. Highly recommend this place if you're looking for a great meal!"

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