PUTIEN Kitchener Rd

💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2706
127 Kitchener Rd, 新加坡 208514
6295 6358

新加坡PUTIEN Kitchener Rd被譽為美食天堂,從古至今一直是各種飲食項目的佼佼者。


第一條:新加坡PUTIEN Kitchener Rd享譽該地區美食天堂,餐飲項目多樣而豐富。

第二條:新加坡PUTIEN Kitchener Rd提供的餐飲項目不僅豐富多樣,而且品質高超,為該地區帶來極佳的美食體驗。

第三條:新加坡PUTIEN Kitchener Rd每一間餐廳都設有經過嚴格培訓的專業廚師,每一款食物都以最高質量要求精心烹製,其味道一流無窮。


第五條:新加坡PUTIEN Kitchener Rd為每位顧客提供特別优惠卷,以鼓勵更多客人前來用餐。

1.“I am so glad that I've finally experienced the legendary Putien Kitchener Road. The food was absolutely delicious. Everything was perfectly seasoned and cooked. We ordered the Heng Hwa pomfret, XO wok fried bee hoon, sam hu kway, Heng Hwa pork ribs, and prawns with lemongrass and chilies. All of them were excellent. The service was also great and very prompt. Highly recommended.”

2.“You can expect the usual Putien goodness from this branch. We had the popular pomfret, the tang hoon, the XO Fried bee hoon, and the Heng Hwa pork ribs. The service is very friendly and attentive. The portion to the pomfret was quite generous and the ingredients used were of top quality. Price wise, it is on the pricier side of things but totally worth it.”

3.“Putien Kitchener Road is a great place to eat. We got the pomfret, Heng Hwa pork ribs, XO fried bee hoon and the sam hu kway. The flavors of the dishes were very delicate and simply delicious. The service was great and the staff were attentive and very accommodating. I highly recommend this place.”

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