
💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2119
Hong Kong Synthetic Rice Vermicelli Co. Ltd. is a Hong Kong-based food company that specializes in the production and sale of synthetic rice vermicelli. Founded in 1979, the company has developed its own unique recipe for the popular staple food, which is made from a variety of ingredients, including rice flour, tapioca starch, sesame seeds, and maltose. The company's products are available in a variety of flavors, including original, sweet, and spicy.

The Synthetic Rice Vermicelli Co. has been praised for its focus on quality and for its commitment to a healthy diet, using only natural ingredients and avoiding preservatives or additives. The company has become a leader in the Hong Kong food industry and its products are widely available in supermarkets, convenience stores, and other food outlets.

The company is especially proud of its low-fat, low-sodium content, which helps customers maintain healthy levels of nutrition while enjoying delicious and convenient meals. The health benefits of the product have contributed to its enduring popularity in Hong Kong and beyond.

The Synthetic Rice Vermicelli Co. prides itself on its customer service and the convenience of its products. Packaged in individual portions, it's easy to take along and prepare a quick, nutritious meal anywhere. In addition, the company has a wide variety of recipes to help customers create delicious meals with the ease of just one product.

Overall, the Synthetic Rice Vermicelli Co. has provided a high quality, healthy, and convenient product that has become a staple in the Hong Kong diet and is available to customers around the world. For anyone looking for a quick and tasty meal, Hong Kong Synthetic Rice Vermicelli Co. is the perfect solution.






🏟 呷奔來坐(次):302台灣新竹縣竹北市六家五路一段129號
🏟 南港庄黑舍排骨飯(次):115台灣台北市南港區新民街93號
🏟 果珍李來複合式餐飯(次):710台灣台南市永康區台南縣永康市永康街110號
🏟 小阿姨腳庫飯(次):407台灣台中市西屯區西屯路二段97-29號
🏟 大鼎汕頭火鍋(次):號, No. 91中華路岡山區高雄市台灣 820
🏟 東湖冰品(次):號, No. 44東湖路119巷49弄內湖區台北市台灣 114
🏟 綸記正宗燒腊快餐(次):333台灣桃園市龜山區桃園縣龜山鄉中興路366之4號
🏟 金源餐室(次):香港荃灣荃景圍101號
🏟 義昌平價牛排(次):60047台灣嘉義市西區蘭井街274號
🏟 味無味unflavored-中區特色美食(次):400台灣台中市中區中山路249號
🏟 雞記潮州麵食·手打墨魚丸 Kai Kee(次):香港尖沙咀加拿分道15C號
🏟 5號海鮮餐廳(次):320台灣桃園市中壢區新生路645-6號
🏟 小林牛肉麵 北平店(次):406台灣台中市北屯區北平路三段75之1號
🏟 金 東北私房菜(次):813台灣高雄市左營區重信路581號
🏟 橘飯糰(次):820台灣高雄市岡山區勵志路184號
🏟 自然屋日本料理(次):香港北角電氣道233號城市花園36-38
🏟 沁采生活美食館(次):401台灣台中市東區進德北路38號
🏟 廟口正富喀香雞排(次):709台灣台南市安南區本原街三段275號
🏟 伊薩姆小舖(次):105台灣台北市松山區光復北路150號
🏟 傳香飯糰 培安店(次):709台灣台南市安南區培安路492號
🏟 御膳品水煎包(次):100台灣台北市中正區新生南路一段12巷2號
🏟 ASHA 阿霞飯店-台南桌菜推薦桌菜辦桌(次):700台灣台南市中西區忠義路二段84巷7號
🏟 活力早餐屋(次):236台灣新北市土城區清水路296號
🏟 西嶼龍小吃店(次):403台灣台中市西區台灣大道二段93號
🏟 池上家鄉飯包(次):360台灣苗栗縣苗栗市中正路279號