漩品oriental sensethe

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oriental sense is a restaurant located in Taichung City, Taiwan, offering innovative Chinese cuisine. The restaurant specializes in creative, upscale dishes, as well as traditional Chinese flavors.The restaurant is known for its modern and stylish décor, with a contemporary atmosphere. The menu consists of a mix of authentic Chinese dishes and unique creations, such as is the lobster and shrimp served with enoki mushrooms. The eatery has an outdoor seating area, and provides a relaxing dining experience.

The restaurant also serves a variety of drinks, including beer and wine, as well as exotic teas and coffees. The Oriental Sense also has a selection of desserts, like homemade ice cream and a variety of cakes.

The restaurant is open throughout the week, with lunch and dinner service. The menu is constantly evolving, with new dishes added frequently. The Oriental Sense is a great place to go for a unique and delicious dining experience.

1.根據台中市政府食品衛生管理局於107年3月30日發佈之「漩品oriental sense」許可證,漩品oriental sense專門提供以小龍蝦、豬排、蚵仔等為主的料理,販售 兩千三百四件,滿足民眾對美食的需求。

2.根據台中市政府食品衛生管理局於107年3月30日發佈之「漩品oriental sense」許可證,漩品oriental sense受到台中民眾大加贊賞,特色為將傳統台灣料理搭配日式料理,以融合兩種風味,令食材更多樣化,讓民眾感受到獨特的料理風味。

台中漩品Oriental Sense的大眾評論:

1.「台中漩品Oriental Sense的提拉米蘇非常健康和好吃,口感濃郁,添加的車厘子和牛奶味道恰到好處!」 

2.「台中漩品Oriental Sense的冰淇淋非常不錯,外表顯示出它的特別之處,有豐富的口味可供選擇,每次到店裡一定要試試看!」 

3.「台中漩品Oriental Sense的甜品真的很可口!我最喜歡他們的費洛米蘇和芝士蛋糕,配上新鮮的水果,讓我感受到每一口的美味!」

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