Gayatri Restaurant

💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 3366
122 Race Course Road #01-01, 新加坡 218583
6291 1011

Gayatri Restaurant是新加坡的一家印度餐廳,它以獨特的地中海和東南亞菜肴而聞名。

第一條:Gayatri Restaurant以精緻製作和獨特的烹飪方法為主要特色,從其特殊的地中海和東南亞菜肴中突出。

第二條:Gayatri Restaurant的調味料以印度香料為主,包括磨碎的肉桂,蔥頭,小茴香,香料和其他特殊的香料,並且用芳香的香料調味。

第三條:Gayatri Restaurant提供特殊的地中海和東南亞餐和素食菜肴,其中包括炒青菜,椰青料理,咖哩料理,素食海鮮,咖哩豆腐,椰海鮮料理,素食家常菜,南印度香料咖哩和其他素食餐點。

第四條:Gayatri Restaurant的服務員將用印度的禮儀處理每一份訂單,以充分滿足客人的需求。

1. "I had the opportunity to try the foods from the Gayatri Restaurant for the first time and it did not disappoint. It was delicious and had a unique flavour that I had never tasted before. The service was excellent and the prices were very reasonable. Highly recommended to anyone who wants to try something new!" - TripAdvisor 

2. "The food at Gayatri Restaurant was absolutely outstanding. The curries were fragrant and full of flavor, and the seafood was cooked to perfection. The service was prompt and friendly, and the atmosphere was relaxed and inviting. Highly recommend to anyone looking for a great Indian dining experience." - TripAdvisor 

3. "Gayatri Restaurant is one of the best places I have ever visited. The food was incredible, the atmosphere was great, and the staff was friendly and helpful. I highly recommend this restaurant to anyone looking for an enjoyable and memorable experience." -Google Reviews

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