Turbot Live Seafood

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2729
48 Toh Guan Rd E, Singapore 608586
6763 2388

新加坡Turbot Live Seafood的特色包括:

(一) 專門服務新鮮生魚:客人可以選擇他們喜歡的新鮮海鮮,Turbot Live Seafood會隨即為客人準備新鮮海鮮上市。

(二) 提供平價當天漁獲海鮮:Turbot Live Seafood提供平價當天漁獲的生鮮海鮮,客人可吃到最新鮮及最優質的海鮮。

(三) 客人挑選海鮮:Turbot Live Seafood會向客人展示來自遍布世界各地的新鮮海鮮,客人可自由挑選合意的海鮮食用。

(四) 專業的烹煮技術:Turbot Live Seafood提供專業烹煮技術,客人可試用特色的烹煮方法,享受美味的新鮮海鮮料理。

1. "My family and I love the Turbot Live Seafood restaurant in Singapore! It has good ambiance and the seafood is so fresh. The chefs do a great job preparing the dishes and the prices are also reasonable. Highly recommended!" -TripAdvisor 

2. "Turbot Live Seafood is one of the best seafood restaurants in Singapore! The live seafood is always fresh, and the food is always cooked to perfection. The chefs are friendly and knowledgeable, and the prices are very competitive. Highly recommended!" -Yelp 

3. "This restaurant was a great experience for us. The quality of the seafood was superb and the varieties of seafood available were amazing. The staff was attentive and friendly, and the prices were very reasonable. Highly recommend this place." -Google Reviews

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