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California Pizza Kitchen is a casual dining restaurant in Hong Kong. It was founded in 1985 in Beverly Hills, California, by attorneys Larry Flax and Richard Rosenfield. The restaurant specializes in signature pizzas, pastas, salads, and appetizers, based on the same Californian-style pizzas that the founders created 30 years ago.

The restaurant's signature pizzas are cooked in a traditional wood-fired oven and feature fresh, quality ingredients including diced tomatoes, fresh garlic, scallion, prosciutto ham, feta cheese, and pesto sauce. The menu also offers an array of sandwiches and salads, as well as paninis, oven-baked pasta dishes and specialty desserts.

California Pizza Kitchen also offers several unique features that make it stand out from other restaurants. First, its signature pizzas are made with dough that is made fresh daily in the restaurant. Other specialties include its signature gourmet salads, which feature fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Additionally, the restaurant offers a Kids' Choice menu, designed to appeal to the youngest diners.

The restaurant's commitment to serving high-quality, fresh food has earned it a reputation for being a favorite among families and parents. It is also known for its attentive service and friendly, helpful staff.

In conclusion, California Pizza Kitchen is an excellent place to eat for people of all ages. Its menu features a variety of pizzas, pastas, sandwiches, salads and other dishes made with fresh, quality ingredients. Additionally, the restaurant offers special features such as a Kids' Choice menu and attentive service in a welcoming environment. All of these factors contribute to why California Pizza Kitchen has become a favorite dining destination in Hong Kong.

1.香港CALIFORNIA PIZZA KIT來自美國,提供各種特色比薩料理,讓顧客可以在家中輕鬆享受美味。

2.香港CALIFORNIA PIZZA KIT提供多款特色美食,其中包括玉米特別醬、火腿芝士披薩、蝦蟹芝士披薩和芝士粉絲披薩等等。

3.對於披薩,香港CALIFORNIA PIZZA KIT的製作只使用新鮮的天然原料,確保披薩的新鮮美味。

4.香港CALIFORNIA PIZZA KIT提供健康之旅,強調飲食均衡,並對有害物質進行严格管控,確保食物安全,健康。

-Google Play:



「評分4.1/5,CALIFORNIA PIZZA KIT在香港是個有名的快餐店,品質很好,口感很棒,菜式種類多樣,它的起司和配料也很精緻,份量很足,又非常好吃,價格也親民,在繁忙的工作日可以省事的把晚餐帶回家,很抵玩!」

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