Super Super Congee

💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1494
香港東涌Shop 16, Ground Floor, Tung Chung Crescent, Tung Chung
2561 5107

「香港Super Super Congee」是一間自2012年成立的粥麵餐廳,以傳統的香港粥麵料理為特色,令食客可以品嚐到香港的傳統味道。

條例一:「香港Super Super Congee」以傳統的香港粥麵料理為特色,提供多款口味的粥為主食,包括白米粥,紅豆粥,雞蛋粥和豬肝粥等。

條例二:「香港Super Super Congee」特別突出多種家常小菜,每道菜均是以精緻的手藝打造,令食客可以品嚐到香港地道的味道。

條例三:「香港Super Super Congee」還有特定日子免費提供點心,並提供特價組合利會食客用膳更加實惠,滿足各種用餐需求。

1. “Super Super Congee is my go-to place for congee. It's always hot, well-seasoned, and it just hits the spot. If I'm feeling really lazy, I usually order delivery since they have an online ordering process. Highly recommended.” 

2. “The congee at Super Super Congee is always consistent, it's always a pleasant experience. The selection of dishes is great and the prices are extremely reasonable. The staff is super helpful and always friendly. Definitely worth a visit!”

3. “Super Super Congee is one of my favorite places to get congee. The selection of ingredients is great, and the congee is always hot and flavorful. I also appreciate the wide variety of sides, such as pickles and sauces. Highly recommend!”

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