
💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2120
02 2877 2207

HelloJazz is a popular jazz cafe in Taipei, Taiwan. Located in the bustling Xinyi district, HelloJazz has become one of the most popular jazz cafes in the city. The cafe is known for its cozy atmosphere and eclectic mix of music. The cafe features an extensive selection of jazz music from across the world, ranging from classic jazz to modern jazz and even a few hip-hop beats. On the menu, patrons can find everything from classic American dishes such as burgers, sandwiches, salads, and wraps to international dishes such as dim sum and sushi.

Patrons of HelloJazz will enjoy a lively atmosphere filled with live jazz music every night. The cafe also hosts a variety of events and concerts ranging from live music performances, to spoken word and poetry readings. The cafe also features resident DJs spinning classic and modern jazz tunes throughout the week.

HelloJazz is a great place to relax and enjoy a unique and vibrant atmosphere. The cafe has a variety of seating options from comfortable couches to outdoor patios. The cafe also offers free Wi-Fi and digital charging stations.

The cafe is known for its unique and affordable prices. The food is reasonably priced and the drinks are reasonably priced as well. The cafe also offers an extensive wine list and craft beers.

The cafe has a loyal following of patrons who come for its unique atmosphere and excellent quality of music. It also offers a great value for its price, providing an atmosphere of relaxation and comfort while offering a wide selection of food and drinks.

Overall, HelloJazz is a great place to relax and enjoy a variety of music. The cafe features a unique atmosphere and menu, while also providing a great value for its price. It is a great spot to enjoy a variety of music while having a drink and snack.



1. Selina:「我在台北 HelloJazz 一次次參觀,每次都能有新驚喜,令人目不暇給!除了現場音樂表演之外,他們開放的咖啡廳和酒吧也帶來不一樣的氣氛,非常適合朋友聚會,是一個值得去的好地方!」

2. Dante:「台北 HelloJazz 的現場演出8成以上是爵士樂,他們的地方比較小,所以可以親臨現場享受細膩而獨特的爵士音樂。他們也活動經常,經常會有免費的表演,我覺得非常棒!」

3. Amber:「我去台北 HelloJazz 還算順利,他們的音樂氛圍真的很起勁,現場表演時更是極佳!服務人員也都很有禮貌,環境也比想像中還好!對了,他們也有bar的服務,喝喝飲也是一大看點!」

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