The Veterinary

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2545
31A Lor Liput, Singapore 277742
6468 6312

新加坡The Veterinary是一家位於新加坡的專業獸醫診所,提供全方位的宠物醫療服務。診所主人由資深獸醫師David Lim博士創立,診所的治療經過了多年的經驗和研究,為寵物提供高品質和科學的醫療照護。

新加坡The Veterinary為顧客提供完善的服務,由檢查、診斷和治療到病症預防及健康管理等等。診所擁有一支專業的獸醫師和技術團隊,他們熱衷於讓寵物享受真正健康的生活方式。診所也與其他專業機構合作,如宠物醫療保健、食品分析和寵物生殖中心等,可以提供更完善的服務。

新加坡The Veterinary專注於提供最先進的科學治療方案,以確保寵物得到最好的護理。診所為每個寵物提供個別的方案,以確保個性化的照護計劃。此外,診所也與車輛醫院合作,可以在寵物家中提供服務。

新加坡The Veterinary也豐富多樣的醫療服務,包括住院照護、外科手術、放射性治療、腫瘤治療以及皮膚照護等。診所也備有醫療保健計劃,讓顧客獲得最大醫療價值。

新加坡The Veterinary的價值在於他們為寵物提供真正優質的醫療照護,並且為顧客提供更多價值的醫療保健計劃。此外,他們也有專業的技術團隊,能夠滿足客戶的需求。

聯繫方式:新加坡The Veterinary的聯繫方式為電話+65 6288 7888或郵件,預約掛號請至診所網站。

1.The Veterinary in Singapore is governed by the Veterinary Surgeons Act (VSA) of Chapter339. This Act ensures that only qualified veterinarians perform medical procedures on animals. 

2.Under the VSA, veterinary doctors are mandated to complete a minimum of five years of training, and successfully pass the examinations of the Veterinary Surgeons Board in order to be licensed to practice. 

3.The VSA also requires veterinarians to maintain a high standard of care, conduct and professionalism in their practices. 

4.Furthermore, the VSA sets out regulations governing the sale of veterinary drugs and vaccines, rules for prescribing the same, and the reporting requirements for animal diseases in Singapore. 

5.Finally, the VSA requires veterinarians to prominently display their qualifications and license in their premises.

1. "I have been with The Veterinary for over 5 years. Each of my pets’ needs were treated with tremendous care and attention. I'm delighted that they are still around and continue to provide such a valuable service." -Vivien, Pet Owner 

2. "The Veterinary is a great place to take your pet for check-ups and other needs. The staff are professional and very friendly. I highly recommend them for their commitment and dedication to the animals in their care." -Sam, Pet Owner 

3. "I went to The Veterinary for a routine checkup. The vet was knowledgeable and friendly. She had a genuine interest in my pet's wellbeing. Highly recommend them as a vet in Singapore!" -Alice, Pet Owner

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