
💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 3316
Corporate Profile

Hong Kong Deefa Phoenix Rice Noodle is a traditional family-run Cantonese restaurant located in the heart of Hong Kong's Causeway Bay, opposite the iconic Tai Hang Roundabout. Since its establishment in 2000, the restaurant has been serving its signature and most beloved dishes, such as its signature Phoenix Rice Noodle and other popular noodle and congee dishes, for generations of loyal customers.

Apart from its signature dishes, the restaurant is renowned for its traditional and authentic Cantonese cuisine. Each dish is prepared with an uncompromising commitment to quality and the highest standards of ingredients, resulting in rich and flavourful dishes. The menu also features a range of delicious seafood dishes, such as live shrimp congee, roasted pork, curry squid and steamed fish served with Chinese herbs, as well as classic Cantonese dimsum.

The restaurant also features a unique presentation, with modern and spacious interiors, as well as traditional Chinese design elements. The restaurant also offers a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere for family and friends to enjoy a meal together and to experience the unique Cantonese cuisine.

The restaurant is committed to delivering the highest quality cuisine to customers, as well as providing excellent value for money. The restaurant also strives to create a unique and memorable dining experience for our customers.

In conclusion, Hong Kong Deefa Phoenix Rice Noodle is a traditional Cantonese restaurant that takes great pride in offering its customers a unique and authentic dining experience. Its commitment to quality, authentic ingredients and unique presentation ensures that diners will enjoy the best of Cantonese cuisine without compromising on value or quality. Whether it’s a quick lunch or a special occasion, Hong Kong Deefa Phoenix Rice Noodle is sure to be the perfect choice.






🏟 正直村 中興新村店(次):540台灣南投縣南投市省府路171號
🏟 啾喜好食(次):404台灣台中市北區雙十路二段58之4號
🏟 阿蘭麵店(次):723台灣台南市西港區中山路283號號
🏟 老凃食堂 Tus Meal House(次):116台灣台北市文山區羅斯福路六段202巷1號
🏟 東山排骨酥(次):733台灣台南市東山區中興路100號
🏟 津津食堂(次):420台灣台中市豐原區水源路600-2號2 號
🏟 林記拉仔麵(次):500台灣彰化縣彰化市旭光路69號
🏟 轟稻機 Home Town 早午餐(次):946台灣屏東縣恆春鎮大埔路6號
🏟 芊草素食(次):813台灣高雄市左營區天祥二路63號
🏟 麻豆子健康湯鍋育英店(次):324台灣桃園市平鎮區育英路19號
🏟 煙波大飯店花蓮館(次):970台灣花蓮縣花蓮市中美路142號
🏟 利百加菸酒專賣店(次):412台灣臺中市大里區中興路一段11之4號
🏟 Kaya kaya cafe(次):106台灣台北市大安區忠孝東路四段216巷19弄6號
🏟 RingSide Fish House(次):838 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR 97205美國
🏟 The Lounge(次):香港中環金融街8號香港四季酒店
🏟 基隆銘傳店總店 好運殿日式炸物專賣(次):20050台灣基隆市仁愛區劉銘傳路2號
🏟 皇茗薑母鴨小港店(次):812台灣高雄市小港區民益路14號
🏟 Manna韓式烤肉專門店(次):220台灣新北市板橋區縣民大道一段302號
🏟 進麗小籠包(次):893金門縣金城鎮光前路34號
🏟 鎮記麻辣火鍋店(次):324台灣桃園市中壢區延平路二段51號
🏟 濟南牛肉麵(次):100台灣台北市中正區濟南路二段60之3號
🏟 環2美食(次):香港中環中環亞畢諾道3號環貿中心6字樓2號舖
🏟 Wharf Grill Bar(次):60 Robertson Quay, #01-01, The Quayside, 新加坡 238252
🏟 姚記海鮮快炒(次):508台灣彰化縣和美鎮和頭路200巷2號 號
🏟 彩雲南滇味美食(次):105台灣台北市松山區新中街6巷20號