
💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2313
02 8732 6865






Taipei Hwamala is one of the most popular trend restaurants in Hsinchu, Taiwan. It is located in South Da Road, Hsinchu's East District. Its main feature is Taiwanese traditional flavor of stir-fried sesame paste and dishes, combined with a variety of cooking techniques, so that every culinary shape can satisfy customers with different tastes.

Taiwan Hwamala was created with the purpose of allowing diners to enjoy high-quality and special dishes. Traditional Taiwanese dishes and Western and Chinese dishes are combined, yet still retain the unique flavor of Taiwan. Taiwan Hwamala provides a variety of delicious dishes, such as mild mixed noodles, colorful and fragrant fish green ham soup, crispy fried chicken wings, seafood tempura etc., which will make you open wide your mouth.

The value of Taiwan Hwamala mainly comes from the carefully selected fresh ingredients and special cocktail dishes. The dishes are mainly innovative, combining the old and new Taiwanese dishes, advocating exquisite and natural cooking techniques, so that diners can enjoy the traditional Taiwanese delicious dishes, creating a very attractive dining experience.

The taste of food in Taiwan Hwamala is especially unique, the customers will be fascinated by it, because the dishes are combined with the characteristics of many traditional Taiwanese snacks, and the seasoning is also carefully selected, the price is also reasonable, allowing diners to enjoy different tastes of dishes.

In general, Taiwan Hwamala will definitely provide you with an unforgettable dining experience.











1. "One of my favorite places to eat in Taipei. The food here is amazing and the atmosphere is so cozy. I always get theHuah Ma La and it never disappoints. Highly recommend!"

2. "I love this spot for hot pot. The staff was friendly and the food was delicious! Highly recommend the Huah Ma La if you want something spicy."

3. "This was one of my favorite places to eat when I was living in Taipei. The Huah Ma La is really good and I love their spicy sauce. The restaurant was always crowded but the wait was never too long."

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