Irodori Japanese Res

💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1938
382 Havelock Road, #03-01, Four Points by Sheraton, 新加坡 169629
6737 2002
新加坡Irodori Japanese Res是一家位於新加坡的日本料理餐廳,由一位來自日本的主廚「黑川俊一郎」與參西家夫婦二人組所經營,以純粹極簡風格為基調,著重食材的自然及原味展現出來,將與來自日本的獨特料理有著一致性的創意精神,將難以在日本找到的口味,透過多變的手法呈現於Irodori Japanese Res,營造出細緻的獨特風格。


價格方面,Irodori Japanese Res 的消費水平在中上類,對於希望品嚐到新加坡本地及日本料理的客人來說是一個不可多得的機會。同時,餐廳也有一些特價菜單,讓客人能夠在一定的預算內,品嚐到極為精緻的料理,讓客人能夠更加感受到日本料理的美味及滋味。

總括而言,新加坡Irodori Japanese Res是本地及日本料理愛好者們的一個新天地,可以在這裡品嚐到各種精緻的料理,讓客人能夠感受到日本料理的獨特風味、極簡的精神及精緻的手法。尤其是餐廳也會有特價菜單,讓客人能夠在一定的預算內,品嚐到精緻的料理,從而保證了每一位賓客能夠極為得到價值。

Irodori Japanese Restaurant in Singapore is renowned for its unique style of cuisine and hospitality. The restaurant is one of the few Japanese restaurants in the country that focuses on providing a holistic, immersive experience for customers. Customers can expect the restaurant to offer a range of traditional Japanese fare alongside modern interpretations, as well as a range of beverages that are designed to suit the unique atmosphere. 

The restaurant also pays particular attention to detail, being mindful of the overall ambience that customers experience. This includes the careful selection of staff, whose uniform reflects the restaurant’s intended atmosphere and reflects traditional Japanese culture. Additionally, its furniture is designed to suit the rustic setting of the restaurant and its signature dishes are prepared using only the freshest ingredients.

The atmosphere in Irodori Japanese Restaurant is further accentuated by the warm hospitality extended to guests. All staff are trained to provide not only quality food but also genuine hospitality which is consistent with Japanese culture. This includes, thoughtful attentiveness and a cordial attitude which make customers feel welcomed and appreciated. 

Overall, Irodori Japanese Restaurant is an ideal destination for those seeking a truly immersive and unique Japanese experience. Its attention to detail in both atmosphere and hospitality, as well as its commitment to providing fresh ingredients and a variety of traditional and modern dishes make it a favorite among Japanese cuisine lovers.

1. TripAdvisor評論:
"Irodori Japanese Restaurant是色彩繽紛的一家日本料理餐廳,位於新加坡裡克區,環境輕鬆舒適、食物精緻口味十足,尤其是他們的本帶魚及壽司,一定會給你驚豔的美食體驗!"

2. Yahoo!評論:
"Irodori Japanese Restaurant 新加坡位於裡克區,服務親切,佈置乾淨舒適,口味豐富品質一流,最尤其以壽司、魚介類等日本料理為首,每一款美食都味道濃厚口感極佳,不僅令口腹大滿,也將回味無窮!"

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