Animal Recovery Cent

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2717
3 Greendale Ave, 新加坡 289498
6463 7100

1、《新加坡動物保護法》(Cap. 66A)第30A條賦予新加坡動物中心(The Animal Recovery Centre)獨立的特權,以幫助受傷及病患的動物,並執行救援及治療使用;

2、《新加坡動物保護法》(Cap. 66A)第28條規定,新加坡動物中心(The Animal Recovery Centre)將提供更全面的醫療服務於受傷及病患的動物,其包括提供藥物治療,異常病理學檢查,結構,微生物學及免疫學檢測,以及特殊注射程式等;

3、《新加坡動物保護法》(Cap. 66A)第31條規定,新加坡動物中心(The Animal Recovery Centre)將提供有關照護及食物輔助等服務,以確保受傷及病患的動物能夠及早恢復復原;

4、《新加坡動物保護法》(Cap. 66A)第34條規定,新加坡動物中心(The Animal Recovery Centre)將提供衛教服務於保護動物的責任者,以引導其有效照顧及治療受傷及病患的動物。

一、"Animal Recovery Centre Singapore is an amazing organization. I have been to their facility and the staff are amazing. They are so passionate and knowledgeable about the various animals they rescue. Most of all, the animals are well taken care of and loved. The team is also dedicated to educating the public about the importance of animal welfare and conservation. Truly an admirable organization! "

二、"My experience with Animal Recovery Centre Singapore was great! The staff were so kind and caring, providing assistance to the animals that were in need of care and rehabilitation. I was impressed by how knowledgeable they were and how passionate they were in their mission to help animals. They also work to create awareness about animal welfare and their efforts are commendable. Highly recommended!" 

三、"I recently visited Animal Recovery Centre Singapore and was amazed by all the work they do for animal rescue and rehabilitation. From medical care to offering emotional support, their staff is dedicated and passionate about helping these animals in need. The facility is well kept and the animals receive the best of care. Highly recommend going to visit them if you ever want to help out animals in need."

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