Lake View Aquarium

💛 💛 瀏覽: 1667
8 Eunos Cres, Singapore 400008
6746 5212

Lake View Aquarium in Singapore is renowned for its unique features.

1. Award-winning aquarium design: The designer of the Lake View Aquarium was awarded an international award for its stunning architectural design.

2. World-class aquascaping: The aquarium houses world-class aquascaping that is designed to provide an aesthetically pleasing and natural environment for the animals.

3. Rare and exotic species: With over 400 species of fish, reptiles and birds, the Lake View Aquarium provides visitors with a unique experience of viewing rare and exotic species in their natural habitat.

4. High-tech aquarium technology: The aquarium is equipped with cutting-edge technological features that help maintain the optimal environment for the species.

5. Education and conservation: The aquarium provides educational programs and activities tailored to teach visitors about the various species and their habitats, as well as ways to help conserve and protect them.

1. “This aquarium has so much to offer. The staff are very friendly and knowledgeable. I learned so much about the different species of fish and how to care for them. The tanks are beautifully made and have a huge variety of marine life. Highly recommend a visit.” - Sam, TripAdvisor

2. “I was so impressed with the Lake View Aquarium. The tanks are full of beautiful fish of all different varieties. The staff were very helpful and knowledgeable about the different kinds of fish. I learned a lot from my visit there and loved all the different displays of marine life. Highly recommended.” - Tom, TripAdvisor

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