213 Aquarium

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2983
219 Bukit Batok Street 21, Singapore 650213
6569 3842

1.  新加坡213 Aquarium於2016年開業,是當中全球最大的水族館之一,樓高六層,共館藏多達800種水族魚類,計有45,000餘隻;

2. 213 Aquarium館內有多個水族館展示區,其中包括一個海洋生物區、兩個海洋生物生活環境區及一個河流及湖泊生物區;

3. 213 Aquarium更為提升客戶體驗而導入多達14種互動式服務,包括觸摸水族魚及水族館內各個展示區的導覽;

4. 此外,213 Aquarium還提供定制導覽、製作水族館活動及活動策劃等專業服務,讓客戶可以更輕鬆盡興地探索水族館;

5. 213 Aquarium更以安全為首要,定期檢查水質及檢測水族館內各個展示區的水族生物,確保客戶可享受安全無污染的遊憩環境。

1. “I recently visited the Singapore 213 Aquarium and it was an amazing experience. All the different types of sea life was mesmerizing. The design of the aquarium as well was very well thought out. The staff were friendly and engaging and very knowledgeable about the sea life. I highly recommend this aquarium to anyone looking to explore aquatic life.”——Raphael D.

2. “I recently took my family to the Singapore 213 Aquarium and we loved it. We were so amazed by the variety of sea creatures and the informative staff. We were able to see many of the exhibits up close and learn a lot about the sea. We would definitely recommend this aquarium to anyone looking for a fun and educational experience.”——Amanda L.

3. “The Singapore 213 Aquarium was a really neat experience. They had a wide variety of sea creatures and the tank design was really well done. The staff were incredibly friendly and knowledgeable. We had such a great time learning about the sea life and taking in the beauty of the aquarium. It was a wonderful experience.”——David S.

🏟 Polyart Aquarium(次):Blk 328 Clementi Avenue 2 #01-194, 新加坡 120328
🏟 優荳貓坊(寵物貓狗住宿)(次):412台灣台中市大里區工業路宏巨二巷二弄54號
🏟 蝦很大釣龍蝦場(次):503台灣彰化縣花壇鄉金墩街205號號
🏟 狂潮水族(次):號, Tak Fung Building, 36 San Fung Ave, Sheung Shui, 香港
🏟 咕比特寵物咖啡館(次):300台灣新竹市東區新竹市中華路二段621
🏟 東森寵物雲 彰化田中店(次):520台灣彰化縣田中鎮福安路28號
🏟 狗老板寵物(次):334台灣桃園市八德區介壽路一段634號
🏟 毛舍Maosher寵物沙龍(次):702台灣台南市南區大成路二段143巷8號
🏟 寵愛新貴寵物生活館(次):40242台灣台中市南区大慶街二段6之16巷78號
🏟 PETOYO(次):香港尖沙咀加連威老道94號
🏟 帕菲寵物新北新莊寵物店-貴賓博美柴犬約克夏比熊瑪爾哈士奇黃金獵犬英短英長美短曼赤肯金吉拉-各式幼犬幼貓出售(次):242台灣新北市新莊區新北大道七段726號
🏟 Suds Scissors Pet Parlour LLP(次):7 Jln Bingka, 新加坡 588902
🏟 小寶貝寵物店(次):105台灣台北市松山區台北市松山區南京東路五段276號
🏟 Shake a Paw(次):541 Jurong West Ave 1, 新加坡 640541
🏟 魚中魚貓狗水族大賣場-泰山店(次):243台灣新北市泰山區泰林路一段38號
🏟 吉樂網寵物小百貨吉娃娃軍團(次):242台灣新北市新莊區五工三路78巷1號1樓
🏟 香社犬舍(次):913台灣屏東縣萬丹鄉保香路
🏟 台中貓花園(次):402台灣台中市南區美村路二段172號
🏟 Pet pet shop(次):號, 18 Sai Yu St, Yuen Long, 香港
🏟 泳澄水產養殖(次):361台灣苗栗縣造橋鄉豐湖村11鄰阿義碑10號
🏟 迪迪家族寵物館(次):205台灣基隆市暖暖區源遠路249巷20號
🏟 金陵安順烏鰡池(次):324台灣桃園市平鎮區金陵路三段197巷2弄30號
🏟 Water Trends Pte Ltd(次):新加坡武吉知馬路615号 邮政编码: 269716
🏟 旺城寵物-長榮門市(次):號, No. 239長榮路蘆洲區新北市台灣 247
🏟 大鴨水族館三重店(次):241台灣新北市三重區中央北路95號