
💛 瀏覽: 1490
02 2381 0707

Taipei Dog School Co., Ltd. (the "Company") is a limited company registered under the Company Law of Taiwan. It specializes in the training of dogs, both large and small. The Company provides a variety of services including obedience and agility training, pet counseling, and boarding services. 

The Company has established a unique training program focused on positive reinforcement and consistency. This program is based on developing a strong bond between the trainer and the dog, while providing the best environment for each dog's individual needs. 

The Company has invested heavily in its facilities, trainers, and staff, to ensure that all dogs can enjoy their stay in a safe and comfortable environment. All of the trainers have been certified and have extensive experience working with all types of dogs. 

In addition, the Company takes pride in offering premium services such as private lessons, custom courses, and rehabilitation services for dogs with behavior problems. Furthermore, the Company also offers an array of online resources to help people learn more about canine behavior and how to care for their pets. 

The Company's dedication to quality customer service and its passion for helping animals make it one of the most sought after dog training centers in Taiwan.


🏟 銘冠護衛犬培訓中心(次):508台灣彰化縣和美鎮道周路557號
🏟 Q-Petse倉 - 大圍道分店(次):新界大圍積信街69-75 號立和樓地下 A 號連閣仔, 沙田大圍, 香港
🏟 Q-Petse倉 - 荃灣灣景廣場分店(次):香港荃灣新界荃灣大河道88號灣景廣場1樓L109號鋪
🏟 中英純貓樂園(次):香港旺角通菜街167號
🏟 MV PET STUDIO(次):104台灣台北市中山區林森北路487號1樓206室
🏟 上興鳥園(次):508台灣彰化縣和美鎮彰美路六段378號號
🏟 KAPOKKU(次):香港何文田亞皆老街120號
🏟 家寶寵物店(次):412台灣台中市大里區內新街47-2號
🏟 葛萊美寵物店(次):807台灣高雄市三民區鼎金後路36巷17號
🏟 Pethub Supply Singapore(次):48 Toh Guan Rd E, 新加坡 608586
🏟 柴犬舍 Brushwood Pet Shop(次):香港深水埗元州街48號B地下
🏟 小犬沐場(次):640台灣雲林縣斗六市公正街181號
🏟 隆昌寵物五金百貨(次):花蓮台灣花蓮縣吉安鄉建國路一段191號
🏟 麻吉2 平價賣場(次):300台灣新竹市北區光華二街36號
🏟 Dorgz Underground(次):1A Cantonment Rd, 新加坡 085101
🏟 順太寵物中心(次):725台灣台南市将军区將軍國小旁將貴村5鄰將貴38-6號
🏟 Ghim Moh Fancy Fish(次):20 Ghim Moh Rd Singapore 270020 Ghim Moh Rd, Singapore 270020
🏟 金吉利寵物精品 - 板橋二店(次):22067台灣新北市板橋區中山路二段215號
🏟 Life Care Products(次):10 Anson Rd, International Plaza, 新加坡 079903
🏟 飛天狗寵物生活館(次):220台灣新北市板橋區莊敬路88號
🏟 犬之舍 - 勝利道18號(次):香港何文田勝利道18號號地下
🏟 MEOWCAMP 貓貓大本營(次):落山道108號 志昌工業大廈 5樓F1室, To Kwa Wan, 香港
🏟 金吉利寵物精品店士林店(次):111台灣台北市士林區文林路122號
🏟 森貿寵物用品公司(次):648台灣雲林縣西螺鎮延平路433號
🏟 握握手寵物工坊(次):830台灣高雄市鳳山區南江街6號