The Pet Room

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2942
721 Clementi West Street 2, 新加坡 120721
6773 0700

1. The Pet Room in Singapore is a one-stop pet store that offers a variety of pet products and services to cater to the needs of pet owners. 

2. The store provides products such as pet food, treats, toys, grooming supplies, carriers, health products, and more. 

3. It also offers pet-related services, such as pet boarding and grooming, pet sitting, pet taxi services, and pet training. 

4. The Pet Room also has a pet cafe where pet owners can enjoy a meal with their pet. 

5. Furthermore, the store hosts a pet clinic with qualified veterinarians providing pet healthcare services. 

6. The Pet Room also has a pet adoption program to help adopted animals find loving homes. 

7. Customers can also take advantage of pet-related programs, workshops, and events hosted by the store. 

8. The store is committed to providing high-quality pet products and services at competitive prices.

1. "The Pet Room in Singapore is an incredible store. They have an amazing selection of food, toys, and accessories for your pet. The staff are all very friendly and knowledgeable. I always get great advice when I go there. Highly recommend!"

2. "My experience at The Pet Room in Singapore was nothing short of fantastic. All the staff were incredibly helpful and knowledgeable. Their selection of pet supplies was excellent and prices were fair. I'll definitely be back again."

3. "I visited The Pet Room in Singapore for the first time and was pleasantly surprised. Great selection of supplies and the staff were extremely helpful. Prices are reasonable and the overall experience was very good. Highly recommended!"

🏟 Pets Hut(次):306 Choa Chu Kang Ave 4, 新加坡 680306
🏟 日春錦鯉場(次):505台灣彰化縣鹿港鎮鹿草路二段318號506 號
🏟 龍貓館(次):香港九龍灣啓祥道9號信和工商中心8樓26室
🏟 康寧寵物樂園(次):811台灣高雄市楠梓區楠陽路85號
🏟 南台灣高山犬舍(次):932台灣屏東縣新園鄉港墘路58-3號
🏟 奧斯卡寵物連鎖量販民族店(次):807台灣高雄市三民區民族一路796號
🏟 Pet Affair(次):Choa Chu Kang Ave 1, 新加坡 680253
🏟 小花貓 貓宿 貓咪住宿 貓咪旅館(次):116台灣台北市文山區景興路223號
🏟 犬山寨(次):106台灣台北市大安區復興南路一段79巷4弄12號2樓
🏟 Tay Young Lin(次):446 Fajar Rd, 新加坡 670446
🏟 北高雄水族寵物館-岡山店(次):820台灣高雄市岡山區中山北路280號
🏟 寵物公園三多店(次):802台灣高雄市苓雅區三多一路335號
🏟 築沛水景設計(次):89301金門縣金城鎮莒光路116號
🏟 Summer Apple Pet Salon 夏果寵物雜貨商行(次):235台灣新北市中和區國光街58號
🏟 Townhouse Pet Care(次):2965 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, OR 97232美國
🏟 富貴寵物精品館(次):880台灣澎湖縣馬公市林森路23號
🏟 微笑寵物生活館(次):830台灣高雄市鳳山區誠德街66號
🏟 愛美寵物店(次):428台灣台中市大雅區中清路一段381號
🏟 Pet Living Pte Ltd(次):17 Binjai Park, 新加坡 589825
🏟 元朗貓狗寵愛生活(次):香港元朗泰豐街21號
🏟 森川木自然飼魚(次):545台灣南投縣埔里鎮鯉魚路
🏟 佳佳寵物店(次):300台灣新竹市北區西大路659巷10號
🏟 吉利名犬屋(次):744台灣台南市新市區中正路167號
🏟 天越國際生化科技有限公司(次):813台灣高雄市左營區文上路58號
🏟 貓咪船長寵物旅館(次):709台灣台南市安南區安中路一段130巷16-3號