
💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 3333
號, No. 515中山路二段彰化市彰化縣台灣 500
04 727 8222

1. 彰化縣碰碰狗寵物店彰化市中山路旗艦店之特色,即以下:

(a) 旗艦店內擁有現代化設備,其中包括寵物區、食物區、健康區及服務區;

(b) 寵物區提供多樣類型寵物,以及專業照顧技術,重視寵物健康;

(c) 食物區提供健康的食物,並對營養價值有高度要求;

(d) 健康區提供專業獸醫義診,寵物照護品及專家建議;

(e) 服務區提供美容、清潔及代客照護等服務,寵物得到最佳照顧。

Google reviews:

"PengPeng Dog is a great place to shop for pet supplies. The staff is really friendly and always willing to help out with any questions or concerns. The store is also very clean and organized. Highly recommend!"

"I visited this store for the first time last week and was really impressed with the selection they offer. They have a great variety of pet supplies, from food to toys to grooming supplies. Prices are also really reasonable. Highly recommend if you're in the area!"

"This is my go-to shop for all my pet needs. They have a wide variety of high-quality products, from food to toys. The staff is friendly and helpful, always ready to offer advice or answer any questions. Highly recommend!"

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🏟 Amazing Pet Products(次):203 SE Alder St #201, Portland, OR 97214美國
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🏟 Paws House(次):353 Jurong East Street 31, Singapore 600353
🏟 V BONE寵物保健館(次):號, No. 33新平路二段太平區台中市台灣 406