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07 716 0885

1.I've been going to Ken Shin Dental Clinic for years, and they've been great. The staff are friendly and the offices are clean. The service is top-notch and the work they do is excellent. They always explain the procedures and options clearly and make sure you are comfortable during the treatment. Highly recommended.

2.Ken Shin Dental Clinic is one of the best dental clinics I've ever visited. The service is always great—I'm always in and out of the office quickly, and they do a really great job. The staff are friendly and always make sure I'm comfortable. I highly recommend this clinic.

3.I've been to Ken Shin Dental Clinic many times and they have always been great. The staff are friendly and knowledgeable, the offices are clean and modern, and they always explain the procedures clearly. They take time to listen to my concerns and make sure I feel comfortable during my appointments. Highly recommended.

🏟 Dr Jimmy Yap Partne(次):1 Kim Seng Promenade, B1-12D, 新加坡 237994
🏟 伊利諾牙醫診所(次):946台灣屏東縣恆春鎮中正路142號
🏟 福美牙醫診所-顯微根管 牙周病 植牙 矯(次):242台灣新北市新莊區福美街126號
🏟 光明牙醫診所 竹北植牙美學牙醫(次):302台灣新竹縣竹北市文興路259號
🏟 李健民醫生(次):香港觀塘九龍觀塘 翠屏邨翠柏樓 112號舖
🏟 怡安牙醫診所(次):114台灣台北市內湖區港華街31號
🏟 民生牙醫診所(次):500台灣彰化縣彰化市中山路二段948號
🏟 聖約翰牙醫聯合診所 五甲(次):830台灣高雄市鳳山區五甲二路101號
🏟 黃牙醫診所(次):310台灣新竹縣竹東鎮東寧路三段35號
🏟 吳牙醫診所(次):717台灣台南市仁德區中正路二段1187號
🏟 奉天牙醫診所(次):600台灣嘉義市西區仁愛路548號
🏟 Quek Li Wei Dr(次):133 Cecil St, 新加坡 069535
🏟 鄧肇堅學童牙科診所(次):香港灣仔皇后大道東286號
🏟 林永隆牙醫診所(次):800台灣高雄市新興區新田路169號
🏟 雅典齒藝(次):402台灣台中市南區大忠南街180號
🏟 A Dental Clinic Jur(次):135 Jurong Gateway Rd #01-333, 新加坡 600135
🏟 中道牙醫診所(次):524台灣彰化縣溪州鄉中山路三段421號
🏟 莊森源牙醫診所(次):807台灣高雄市三民區自立一路301-4號
🏟 Holland Dental Clini(次):Block 40, 01-27 Holland Dr, 新加坡
🏟 德芬牙醫診所(次):648台灣雲林縣西螺鎮建興路281號
🏟 天籟牙醫診所(次):10491台灣台北市中山區天祥路7號
🏟 翠柏牙醫診所(次):830台灣高雄市鳳山區青年路二段180號
🏟 洪琨淙牙醫診所(次):85245台灣高雄市茄萣區仁愛路三段158號
🏟 羅牙醫診所(次):303台灣新竹縣湖口鄉中正路一段185號
🏟 盈健醫療 健匯牙科 Human Heal(次):九龍彌敦道225號, 明珠廣場17樓, Hong Kong, 香港