
💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1120
03 857 3588

1. "Doctor Lin is an excellent doctor. He was very friendly and professional and listened to my concerns. He gave me the best advice and answered all my questions thoroughly. The office staff was also very helpful and friendly."

2. "Dr. Lin was wonderful. He was so patient with me and explained everything very thoroughly. He was very knowledgeable and answered all of my questions. The staff was also very friendly and helpful. I highly recommend this office to anyone in need of a great doctor."

3. "Dr. Lin is the best! He takes his time to explain all my options and listens to my concerns. He is very professional and friendly and always takes the time to answer any questions I may have. The staff is also very friendly and helpful. Highly recommend this place!"

🏟 德欣中醫診所(次):510台灣彰化縣員林市林森路219號
🏟 寶安堂中醫診所(次):807台灣高雄市三民區建興路28號
🏟 譽豐中醫診療中心(次):Shop Nos. 310 and 312, Choi Ping House, Choi Yuen Estate, Sheung Shui, 香港
🏟 惠德中醫診所(次):813台灣高雄市左營區華夏路220號
🏟 德恩堂中醫診所(次):852台灣高雄市茄萣區茄萣路一段292號
🏟 和圓中醫診所(次):No. 22, 通化街38巷大安區台北市台灣 106
🏟 至誠中醫診所(次):970台灣花蓮縣花蓮市富國路142號
🏟 香港易醫堂中醫診所(次):香港中環皇后大道中151-155號兆英商業大廈21樓
🏟 建安中醫診所(次):830台灣高雄市鳳山區五甲二路553號
🏟 回生中醫診所(次):649台灣雲林縣二崙鄉文化路84號
🏟 思維中醫診所(次):330台灣桃園市桃園區中山北路211號
🏟 福田中醫診所(次):324台灣桃園市平鎮區延平路二段356-2號
🏟 明道中醫診所(次):402台灣台中市南區南屯路一段66-1號
🏟 晴健中醫醫療中心 CC Chinese(次):香港尖沙咀加拿芬道20-20C加拿芬廣場1605室Rm1605, Carnarvon Plaza, Carnarvon Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
🏟 註冊中醫(次):香港荃灣青山公路 - 荃灣段268-298號9樓937室
🏟 盈富中醫藥(次):香港紅磡
🏟 合安堂中醫藥房(次):946台灣屏東縣恆春鎮中山路No. 97
🏟 大翰中醫(次):5 號, No. 332松竹路三段北屯區台中市台灣 406
🏟 元助中醫診所(次):800台灣高雄市新興區林森二路182號
🏟 瑞豐中醫診所(次):802台灣高雄市苓雅區興中二路46號
🏟 推拿整復 6號潤泰中醫診所(次):235台灣新北市中和區員山路411號1 樓
🏟 日光中醫診所(次):710台灣台南市永康區中華路603號
🏟 宥善中醫(次):402台灣台中市南區復興路三段158號號
🏟 許啟仁中醫診所(次):號 一 樓, No. 31永隆路大里區台中市台灣 412
🏟 慈護醫療體系-晶璽中醫診所(次):11069台灣台北市信義區松信路38號