
瀏覽: 900
Rm 603, Chit Lee Comm Bldg, 30-36 Shau Kei Wan Rd, Sai Wan Ho, HK, Sai Wan Ho, 香港

1. “I’ve been going to Dr. Chan for years now and I’ve always found him to be very knowledgeable and compassionate. He tailors his treatment plan to the individual’s condition and takes the time to explain the treatment process and what it involves. His fee is very reasonable, and he is very responsive to any questions or concerns. Highly recommended.” - Joanne, Kowloon 

2. “I recently had a consultation with Dr. Chan and I must say that he was very thorough in his explanation of the Chinese medicine principles and techniques he had to offer. He was also very patient and answered all my questions in a detailed manner. I am very satisfied with the results so far and look forward to seeing further improvement over time.” - Edmund, Hong Kong 

3. “Dr. Chan is an amazing Chinese Medicine practitioner. His knowledge and expertise are unparalleled, and he has a real passion for what he does. He takes the time to explain Chinese Medicine principles and answer all of my questions. His treatments have helped reduce my stress levels and improve my overall health and well-being. Highly recommend!” - John, Happy Valley

🏟 信德中醫診所(次):407台灣台中市西屯區太原路一段197號
🏟 張瑞璋中醫診所(次):807台灣高雄市三民區自由一路91號
🏟 林秉龍中醫診所(次):970台灣花蓮縣花蓮市富國路82-1號
🏟 陳仁官註冊中醫(次):Rm 843, 8/F, Nan Fung Ctr, 264-298 Castle Peak Rd, Tsuen Wan, NT, Tsuen Wan, 香港
🏟 順親堂中醫診所(次):831台灣高雄市大寮區仁愛路140號
🏟 新天中醫診所中藥茶館(次):香港北角屈臣道2號海景大廈A座地下舖
🏟 健禎中醫(次):435台灣台中市梧栖区中央路一段623巷36號號
🏟 伍妙蓮註冊中醫(次):香港上環永和街11-15號和興商業大廈8/F, 803室
🏟 羅明江中醫診所(次):號, No. 155環北路中壢區桃園市台灣 320
🏟 素琴中醫診所(次):802台灣高雄市苓雅區學源街9號
🏟 濟民中醫診所(次):403台灣台中市西區忠明南路362號
🏟 中醫 診所 三代老中醫 Chinese(次):香港尖沙咀遠東商場102
🏟 祥霖中醫診所(次):807台灣高雄市三民區聯興路125號
🏟 尚正堂中醫診所(次):香港旺角彌敦道655號9樓909室
🏟 儒慧中醫診所(次):830台灣高雄市鳳山區樂園街112號
🏟 天博中醫(次):香港銅鑼灣渣甸街54號富盛商業大廈25樓D室
🏟 海青中醫診所(次):807台灣高雄市三民區大豐二路333號
🏟 丞元中醫診所(次):山東街47號中僑商業大廈22, 樓2202-2203室, Mong Kok, 香港
🏟 仁美專科中醫診所(次):香港旺角彌敦道613號飛達商業中心
🏟 榮癸貞中醫診所(次):510台灣彰化縣員林市新義街326 號
🏟 健誠中醫診所(次):813台灣高雄市左營區部後街34號
🏟 昇陽一品中醫診所(次):106台灣台北市大安區敦化南路一段236巷9號
🏟 天一中醫診所(次):103台灣台北市大同區重慶北路三段98號號
🏟 順平整復中醫(次):220台灣新北市板橋區四維路137巷5號
🏟 和順堂中醫診所(干諾道中)(次):Shop C1D & C1E, G/F, China Insurance Group Building, 141 Des Voeux Rd Central, Central, 香港