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02 2857 7905




Kaosiung Songen Dental Clinic is located in Kaohsiung – Fung Yia. It is established by the Dean of the Clinic Doctor Wen-Jun Chen. Songen Dental Clinic has modern dental facilities and professional dentists and nurses that are able to provide quality professional dental treatments for the patients.

Songen Dental Clinic provides various dental services, including orthodontics, dentures, teeth whitening, periodontal treatment, and pediatric dentistry. In addition, the clinic also provides tooth restoration, periodontal maintenance, and teeth transplantation services.

Songen Dental Clinic has a team of professional dentists and nurses that have full knowledge and skills to provide the best dental services. They provide personalized treatment plans according to the patient's condition, to ensure that the patient receives the best treatment outcome.

Furthermore, Songen Dental Clinic also provides a range of privacy protection and strict hygiene policies that help patients to feel secure when receiving dental treatments. They have strict cleanliness and safety measures to ensure the prevention or control of an infectious disease.

Through their investments in dental hygiene, technology, and medical services, Songen Dental Clinic has been dedicated to providing the best of service, offering quality treatment experiences for the patients.

Google Maps上的高雄頌恩牙醫診所大眾評論:

1. "服務優質,專業細心,醫生耐心深入解說每個步驟,清潔環境讓人覺得舒服,對於擔心入口痛的我而言很放心!"

2. "在高雄頌恩牙醫診所看牙科,醫生很親切,細心、專業地詳盡解釋,環境也乾淨,很滿意。"

3. "服務很好!醫生非常耐心,會仔細解釋每一個步驟,把各種可能的選擇都一一介紹,也很健談,讓人很放心。 聖嚴環境也整潔,令人感到很舒服!"

🏟 Mc Comb John a DDS(次):426 SW Stark St, Portland, OR 97204美國
🏟 Setter Periodontics(次):2075 SW 1st Ave Suite 2L, Portland, OR 97201美國
🏟 中英牙醫診所(次):404台灣台中市北區北平路二段101號
🏟 DP Dental Pte Ltd(次):205 ⛉ Hougang Street 21, 新加坡 530205
🏟 李健民醫生(次):香港觀塘九龍觀塘 翠屏邨翠柏樓 112號舖
🏟 Gold Smile Dental(次):大 埔 寶 湖 花園 商場 2 樓 215C 號, Tai Po, 香港
🏟 正興牙醫診所(次):807台灣高雄市三民區正興路163巷6號
🏟 德尚牙醫診所(次):106台灣台北市大安區光復南路308巷44號
🏟 林樹毅醫生(次):香港灣仔香港灣仔軒尼詩道397號東區商業大廈2001室
🏟 繼文牙醫診所(次):803台灣高雄市鹽埕區建國四路123號
🏟 滿好牙醫診所(次):947台灣屏東縣滿州鄉中山路44之3號
🏟 康妍美學牙醫(次):500台灣彰化縣彰化市建國東路295號號
🏟 德榮牙醫診所(次):803台灣高雄市鹽埕區新樂街139號
🏟 信愛牙醫診所(次):106台灣台北市大安區敦化南路一段289號之4
🏟 葉偉成牙科醫務所 Dr Stephen(次):香港北角英皇道492號地下A號舖
🏟 宏亞牙醫診所(次):702台灣台南市南區金華路一段89號
🏟 Dental Care Today(次):3514 NE Broadway St, Portland, OR 97232美國
🏟 樂思牙科陳澤鑫醫生(次):香港沙田大圍積富街35-47號積健大樓地下B舖
🏟 林博禮牙醫醫務所(次):香港東涌離島富東廣場地下14 號舖
🏟 益群牙醫診所(次):413台灣台中市霧峰區中正路951號
🏟 MyBracesClinic(次):43 Jalan Merah Saga, #01-80, 新加坡 278115
🏟 慶聲牙醫診所(次):100台灣台北市中正區寧波東街24巷12號
🏟 泛美牙醫診所(次):407台灣台中市西屯區青海路一段65-1號
🏟 靖宏牙醫診所(次):106台灣台北市大安區忠孝東路四段2號之9
🏟 傑仕牙醫診所(次):406台灣台中市北屯區綏遠路二段1號