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03 746 0775

1. My daughter brought me to see Dr. C.H. Tsai in Pinjia Dental Clinic. I was amazed at how quickly the procedure was completed. The staff and Dr. Tsai were all extremely friendly and I felt comfortable with the care I received. I would highly recommend this clinic to anyone looking for a dentist in Miaoli.

2. I recently visited Pinjia Dental Clinic in Miao Li, and I can say with certainty that it is one of the best dental clinics I have ever been to! The whole experience was very professional and efficient, and Dr. Tsai was very friendly and accommodating. I feel that the services I received were of a high quality, and I would definitely recommend this clinic to anyone looking for a top-notch dental office in Miaoli county.

🏟 Toronto Dental Care(次):109 Clementi Street 11, 新加坡 120109
🏟 姜明智牙醫診所(次):811台灣高雄市楠梓區和光街187號
🏟 Dr Danny A Sadakah D(次):1727 NE 13th Ave, Portland, OR 97212美國
🏟 The Dental Studio(次):6A Shenton Way #02-17/18, OUE Downtown Gallery (Tower 2), 新加坡 068815
🏟 淳康牙醫診所(次):407台灣台中市西屯區河南路二段356號
🏟 京湛牙醫診所(次):813台灣高雄市左營區高雄市左營區華夏路1133號
🏟 Unity Denticare Choa(次):309 Choa Chu Kang Avenue 4, #03-01 Choa Chu Kang Centre, 新加坡 680309
🏟 信基牙醫診所(次):970台灣花蓮縣花蓮市明禮路12號
🏟 興高牙醫診所(次):813台灣高雄市左營區新庄仔路532號
🏟 華成牙醫診所(次):824台灣高雄市燕巢區中西路97號
🏟 昇弘牙醫診所(次):404台灣台中市北區民權路355號
🏟 東明牙醫診所(次):115台灣台北市南港區東明街16號
🏟 新象牙醫診所(次):300台灣新竹市東區科學園路60號
🏟 Dr Wang Chon Pei Den(次):Rm 705,, Nan Fung Centre, 264 Castle Peak Rd (Tsuen Wan), Tsuen Wan, 香港
🏟 尚群牙醫診所(次):106台灣台北市大安區忠孝東路三段197之4號
🏟 里昂國際牙醫診所(次):106台灣台北市大安區大安路一段133號5F
🏟 聯揚牙醫診所(次):236台灣新北市土城區中央路二段176號
🏟 Dr Jeffrey Firestone(次):732 SW 3rd Ave, Portland, OR 97204美國
🏟 Smile Design Dental(次):#02-04, 10 Jalan Serene, Serene Centre, 新加坡 258748
🏟 玉鼎牙醫診所(次):406台灣台中市北屯區天津路三段100號
🏟 君悅美學牙醫診所 大雅植牙 牙齒美學專科(次):428台灣台中市大雅區中清東路273號
🏟 江博文牙醫診所(次):510台灣彰化縣員林市員水路二段438號
🏟 順芳熹牙醫診所(次):813台灣高雄市左營區自由三路355號
🏟 和群牙醫診所(次):406台灣台中市北屯區軍功路二段88號
🏟 佳佑牙醫診所(次):640台灣雲林縣斗六市西平路7號