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Modern Beauty Salon in Hong Kong is a full-service beauty salon that offers a wide range of treatments and services to help you look and feel your best. Services range from head to toe and include haircuts, styling, perming, coloring, waxing, facials, manicures and pedicures, eye treatments, and more. Additionally, the salon offers slimming treatments and massage. As the salon is certified by The Beauty Association of Hong Kong, you can be assured that all services are conducted with high hygiene and safety standards, and you can expect a professional service. The salon also carries a variety of trusted beauty brands, from skincare to haircare, so you can find something just for you. Modern Beauty Salon is also well-known for their latest technology, high quality, and passionate service for an ultimate comfortable beauty experience.

1. Rochay護髮美容館 (Central)


2. Shine護髮美容館(Causeway Bay)


3. Ever Professional護髮美容館(Mong Kok)

「Ever Professional的護髮美容館有一群資深的專業髮型師,會為你配合最佳的髮型,非常專業!」

🏟 首璽格爾整形診所高雄裕誠店(次):804台灣高雄市鼓山區裕誠路2038號
🏟 張雅萍診所(次):412台灣台中市大里區塗城路686號
🏟 保良局 - 溫林美賢耆暉中心(次):Shop A206, 2/F, Ching Long Shopping Centre, Kai Ching Estate, Kowloon City, Kowloon, Wan Chai, 香港
🏟 Rosa Lounge Hair Sal(次):香港旺角旺角花園街62號
🏟 依誠診所(次):437台灣大甲區中山路一段971號
🏟 水噹噹挽臉修指甲(木子紋繡)(次):105台灣台北市松山區民生東路五段244號1樓
🏟 Tops Salon(次):香港灣仔軒尼詩道275~285號
🏟 [JJ HAIR SALON 髮型沙龍](次):10691台灣台北市大安區忠孝東路4段2號3樓之8
🏟 花漾整形外科診所(次):號 3 樓, No. 21民權東路二段中山區台北市台灣 10491
🏟 2018 HAIR SALON(次):香港大角咀
🏟 Lux Medical 醫纖美(次):香港旺角彌敦道579號艾麗大廈地下4號舖及一樓全層
🏟 元和雅醫美整形診所(次):801台灣高雄市前金區中華三路125號
🏟 康美醫美診所(次):201台灣基隆市信義區深溪路139號
🏟 艾蕾雅時尚醫美診所(次):813台灣高雄市左營區新榮街35號
🏟 Lets beauty(次):號, 459 Lockhart Rd, Causeway Bay, 香港
🏟 全方位整形外科診所(次):500台灣彰化縣彰化市中正路二段825號
🏟 Carnaron Beauty Fig(次):Shopstall No P12 Podium Floor Commercial Centre, Shun Lee Estate, Cha Liu Au, 香港
🏟 美孚新邨孚佑堂(次):香港美孚新邨九龍美孚新邨百老匯街38號
🏟 文心皮膚科整形外科診所 - 肉毒桿菌 玻(次):407台灣台中市西屯區文心路二段562號
🏟 Hair Fusion(次):香港旺角彌敦道700號 SHOP 208, 209 2/F, T.O.P This is Our Place
🏟 BRUNEBLONDE(次):1 Harbour Road Mezz Floor, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, Wan Chai, 香港
🏟 美康藥妝藥局(次):236台灣新北市土城區延吉街254號
🏟 晶緻美學診所台北總院(次):10491台灣台北市中山區南京西路1-1號
🏟 Mi Salon(次):香港中環遮打道
🏟 VOGUE Salon(次):地下 4A 舖, Harbour Heights Nam Fung Court, 1 Fook Yum Rd, Fortress Hill, 香港