
💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 926
02 2790 1497

Positive Reviews:

1. "Taipei Sien Temple has amazing architecture and an amazing atmosphere while visiting. I loved the colors and peacefulness when I visited. Highly recommend."

2. "The Sien Temple was a great experience! It was magical to walk in, and very calming. The structure and art work was beautiful and the staff was very knowledgeable."

3. "I visited the Taipei Sien Temple with my family and was absolutely impressed with the beauty and grandeur of the place. Everything from the architecture to the statues was awe inspiring and made for a wonderful experience."

Negative Reviews:

1. "The Taipei Sien Temple was really disappointing. While the architecture was quite impressive, the interior of the temple was quite dirty and seemed to be in need of some repairs. I would not recommend a visit."

2. "I was so unimpressed with the Taipei Sien Temple. The staff were not helpful and the temple grounds were not well kept. I was expecting a much more enjoyable experience."

3. "The Taipei Sien Temple was okay, but nothing special. It was quite small and there wasn’t a lot to do other than look at the architecture. I wouldn’t recommend it unless you’re already in the area."

🏟 橄欖樹靈糧堂(次):234030台灣新北市永和區福和路149號4樓
🏟 財團法人台灣基督長老教會(次):546台灣南投縣仁愛鄉山林巷76號
🏟 竹南長老教會(次):350台灣苗栗縣竹南鎮民族街11號
🏟 石牌教會(次):5, No. 361號東華街一段北投區台北市台灣 112
🏟 宜灣長老教會(卡片教堂)(次):961台灣台東縣成功鎮宜灣路11號
🏟 關山佳音教會(次):956台灣台東縣關山鎮隆盛路23號台灣 號
🏟 雲林浸信會(次):632台灣雲林縣虎尾鎮工專路120號
🏟 Capella(次):106台灣台北市大安區四維路28 号號
🏟 天主教玫瑰堂(次):106台灣台北市大安區通化街178號
🏟 八里區召會(次):249台灣新北市八里區訊塘路3號3樓
🏟 活水教會(次):330台灣桃園市桃園區延平路49號之1 2F
🏟 財團法人基督教會台灣宣道長老會總會(次):600台灣嘉義市西區延平街431號
🏟 王仙水萬龍宮(次):829台灣高雄市湖內區建國街
🏟 教堂(次):413台灣台中市霧峰區
🏟 台南安平聖樂倫天主堂(次):708台灣台南市安平區安平路850巷2號
🏟 台北公館長老教會(次):11676台灣台北市文山區汀州路四段85巷2號
🏟 西塔浸信會 CITA Baptist C(次):114台灣台北市內湖區星雲街152號B1
🏟 耶穌救主總堂(次):400台灣台中市中區三民路二段100號
🏟 三民聖教會(次):813台灣高雄市左營區重立路61號
🏟 財團法人民雄教會聚會所(次):621台灣嘉義縣民雄鄉建國路二段185號
🏟 中華基督教禮賢會荃灣堂(次):香港荃灣聯仁街28-42號
🏟 埔里思恩堂Light Up 亮點教會(次):545台灣南投縣埔里鎮Donghua Rd, 120號台灣號 2 樓
🏟 鹿港基督教醫院鹿基醫療大樓-急診室(次):505台灣彰化縣鹿港鎮中正路480號
🏟 新倍加教會(次):811台灣高雄市楠梓區後勁南路233號
🏟 仁愛改革宗教會 Ren Ai Refor(次):100台灣台北市中正區忠孝東路二段134巷1號2樓